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Re: Can You Count on Voting Machines?

____/ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Sunday 06 January 2008 18:25 : \____

> It's also possible that any complex software isn't well suited for
> running elections. Most software firms deal with the inevitable bugs
> in their product by patching them; Microsoft still patches its seven-
> year-old Windows XP several times a month. But vendors of electronic
> voting machines do not have this luxury, because any update must be
> federally tested for months.
> </Quote>

Typical Windows.

,----[ Quote ]
| "Nineteen machines had 21 screen freezes or system crashes, producing a
| blue screen and messages about an "illegal operation" or a "fatal
| exception error."
| "Especially with this blue-screen problem, you don't know whether it's
| the printer drivers, you don't know whether it's Diebold's own code or
| whether it's Windows,"


,----[ Quote ]
| Problems found in an audit of Diebold tabulation records from an Ohio
| November 2006 election raise questions about whether the database got
| corrupted during the tabulation of election results...
| The database is built from Microsoft's Jet database engine. The
| engine, according to Microsoft, is vulnerable to corruption when a lot
| of concurrent activity is happening with the database, such as what
| occurs on an election night [and Microsoft advises againt using Jet in
| a complex environment]...
| The report mentions that election staff had trouble with the server
| crashing and freezing on election night....
| The report notes that with punch card machines election officials used
| to be able to determine definitively if all ballots had been counted
| in the results....


And why do they still choose Microsoft?

Microsoft Muscles the NYS Legislature

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft’s proposed change to state law would effectively render
| our current requirements for escrow and the ability for independent
| review of source code in the event of disputes completely meaningless
| - and with it the protections the public fought so hard for.

http://nyvv.org/blog/bolipariblog.html [moved to a different URL]

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz     | No Makefile, no business
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