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Re: conspiracy theorists and open source

____/ Linonut on Saturday 05 January 2008 18:54 : \____

> * Tim Smith fired off this tart reply:
>> Interesting article on that subset of open source advocates that are
>> open source conspiracy theorists:
>> <http://brucebyfield.wordpress.com/2008/01/02/conspiracy-theorists-and-fr
>> ee-software/>
>> <http://tinyurl.com/293qbg>
> Pfffft.
>    1. That subset is extremely small.
>    2. If you're feeling paranoid, that doesn't mean they aren't out to
>       get you.
> Feeling paramoid about Microsoft is quite understandable, given their
> incredible track record for astroturfing, violating or using materials
> covered by non-disclosure agreements, lobbying to push their agenda or
> to get people sacked, using their leverage to stifle, or even destroy,
> competition.
> Feeling paranoid about Gnome or the FSF is quite another thing.
>> And a response that is also interesting:
>> <http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2008-01-04-016-26-OP-CY>
>> <http://tinyurl.com/26xm8t>
>    But I do not think that all uncivil, emotionally reasoned arguments
>    should be completely ignored, either. They may not be pleasant, but
>    the truth can come in many forms.

Just ignore harlowmonkeys ("Tim Smith"). That 'Microsoft agent' is just trying
to spread the dismissals further.

Bruce's blog post contains remarks that he earlier adddressed at me in response
to my posts (and later turned these into a blog post). I was sent messages
asking me who he was referring to because he was being vague (purposely).

Now, Timmy, it's clear you've been stalking me on the Web for many months, but
you still don't get access to my inbox, so on issues you don't understand, you
ought to just STFU.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    GPL'd Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
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