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[News] A Look at Linux 'Time Machine' (Flyback) and Supend-to-RAM

  • Subject: [News] A Look at Linux 'Time Machine' (Flyback) and Supend-to-RAM
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2008 16:38:21 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linux Time Machine Alternative Reviewed

,----[ Quote ]
| Going Back With Flyback. A needed GUI alternative to rsnapshot, Flyback 
| provides much of the same functionality, but does so with a nice GUI wrapper 
| to make the entire process more user-friendly. The UI appears to be GTK-based 
| and overall, it's impressive. Just about everything you want from rsnapshot 
| is here for the common man to make the most of it with.    


Sleepy Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Current Linux versions can enter suspend-to-RAM just fine, but only can do it 
| on explicit request. But suspend-to-RAM is important, eating something like 
| 10% of [the] power needed [compared to an] idle system.  



Testing Suspend and Hibernation

,----[ Quote ]
| "The following patches add a new testing facility for suspend and 
| hibernation," noted Rafael J. Wysocki. He continued, "the first patch adds 
| the possibility to test the suspend (STD) core code without actually 
| suspending, which is useful for tracking problems with drivers etc. The 
| second one modifies the hibernation core so that it can use the same facility  
| (it's a bit more powerful than the existing hibernation test modes, since 
| they really can't test the ACPI global methods)."     


Linux: Rethinking Suspend and Resume

,----[ Quote ]
| What started as the review of a bug report grew into an interesting
| debate as Linus Torvalds slammed the current suspend and resume design
| in the Linux Kernel...


Linux: Kexec Hibernation Performance

,----[ Quote ]
| Following up to the latest round of kexec-based hibernation patches posted to 
| the Linux Kernel mailing list it was asked how performance would compare to 
| other hibernation solutions.  


FlyBack - Apple's Time Machine for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple's Time Machine is a great feature in their OS, and Linux has almost all 
| of the required technology already built in to recreate it. This is a simple 
| GUI to make it easy to use.  


[Linux Gets] Shadow Directories

,----[ Quote ]
| Jaroslav Sykora posted a series of five patches to handle the kernel portion 
| of what he described as "shadow directories", providing an example which  
| utilized FUSE to access the contents of a compressed file from the command 
| line.  


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