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Re: [Rival] Microsoft Directors Drop Microsoft Shares While Buybacks Fill Void

____/ Mark Kent on Saturday 05 January 2008 00:15 : \____

> bobbie <bobbiewg@xxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> On Jan 4, 10:33 am, Mark Kent <mark.k...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> > Microsoft Director Sells Shares
>>> > ,----[ Quote ]
>>> >| A director of software company Microsoft Corp. sold 30,000 shares of
>>> >| common stock under a prearranged trading plan, according to a Securities
>>> >| and Exchange Commission filing Wednesday.
>>> > `----
>>> >http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080103/microsoft_shirley_insider_transactions...
>>> > Maybe he saw the market share of Windows declining, with a bad vista
>>> > (mind case) ahead.
>>> I'm quite sure they can all see it coming, and will be trading out as
>>> fast as they can, and for as long as the share-buy-backs by Microsoft
>>> can manage to hold up the share-price.
>> Is this another possible World Com or Enron in the making. Don't
>> forget, both of those companies were very, very 'healthy' prior to the
>> house of cards collapsing.
>> Only time will tell.
> You're quite right.  I think with Enron and Worldcom, the techniques
> used to liberate the cash reserves into the senior executive's pockets
> were so illegal that they had to go to jail.  If you look at what
> Microsoft are doing, it's rather different, in that they're just buying
> back shares, essentially redistributing the cash to /all/ sharedholders.
> Sounds great, of course, until you consider who the largest holders of
> shares are...

About a month ago, PJ pointed out that SCO was investigated by the SEC and they
came up with "it's all OK". A year later -- chapter 11.

I'm not suggesting that Microsoft is doing that badly. ODF just needs to put
the cash cow to rest because it's the main thing keeping Microsoft afloat
while many divisions bleed cash.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Windows leaves me peckish
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