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[News] Intel's Graphics Driver for Linux Imporved, Windows Games Run in Linux

  • Subject: [News] Intel's Graphics Driver for Linux Imporved, Windows Games Run in Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2008 08:22:12 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
new 'xvmc' branch of intel video driver

,----[ Quote ]
| The aim of the new 'xvmc' branch is to deprecate origin
| 'xvmc-i915' branch with lot of cleanups and new framework
| inside driver to add supports for more hardware media decode
| drivers in future. It also has changes that affect users.


How to run games on Linux (sweet links)

,----[ Quote ]
| The most important thing that make youngsters so attached to Windows and 
| reject Linux distributions is running games. 
| [...]
| Frank's Corner
| Frank is a linux user. His blog is about how to run windows applications on 
| Linux. In this website you can find how to run a huge list of games using 
| Wine.  



Does WINE + Linux support more Windows apps than Vista?

,----[ Quote ]
| WINE supports most of the applications which are made for Windows
| 2.0 up to Windows XP. WINE has the ability to run different versions
| of IE, run most of Adobe's products, run World of Warcraft, Half Life
| 2, Microsoft Office 2003, XP, 2000 and 97, Visio, Quicken,
|     * Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars
|     * Need for Speed Carbon
| [...]
| What about drivers, hardware support, and upgrades?
| Want to upgrade you XP to Vista? no chance. might as well do a fresh 
| install and shell out $300.


TransGaming and Mandriva Renew OEM Agreement to Game Enable MandrivaLinux 2008
With Cedega

,----[ Quote ]
| Cedega is the world's only commercial gaming solution for the Linux operating 
| system. Cedega allows users to run PC games on their Linux operating system 
| seamlessly, transparently, and with equivalent performance and game play.  


SL Speed Showdown: Linux Tops Windoze

,----[ Quote ]
| This was not a scientific study - only a small test which confirmed what I 
| thought I had "felt" already while using Second Life on my new PC. 


[MS MVP] Foray into Feisty Fawn helped me take back my MIPS

,----[ Quote ]
| Long story short - World of Warcraft runs faster under Ubuntu/Wine than 
| natively under Windows XP Professional. 


Free Games for Linux

.----[ Quote ]
| A round-up of fun Linux diversions.
| When people talk about computer gaming these days, they
| invariably mean commercial games running on a Windows platform. Few
| people realize that Linux can be more than just a very good Web or
| file server. Even fewer people are aware of the many open-source or
| otherwise freely available games available for Linux.


ET:QW Linux Demo Coming TODAY

,----[ Quote ]
| We told you three days ago that the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Linux demo 
| was coming very soon. Well, we've just received confirmation that the Linux 
| demo client will be available today! A new ET:QW Windows demo update is 
| coming out about noon (CST) and the Linux demo will be out within a few hours 
| after that. We'll have more information then.    


Linux to game developers: No More Excuses

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell just showed us that the old "lack of market demand" excuse for
| Linux is falling flat. 200,000 users flooded Dell with requests
| for Linux pre-installed on their machines. That's just one
| manufacturer! Never mind the hundreds of thousands of Linux users,
| such as I, who gave up on Dell years ago.
| Previous to the Dell fiasco, I might have had my doubts about the
| commercial interests of Linux. But the last straw man has been
| beaten; from here on out, if you run a technology company and
| refuse to support Linux, it's because history's biggest and most
| oppressive monopoly is paying you not to. 


Vista Offers Nothing to Gamers

,----[ Quote ]
| This is just a small sampling of games obviously, but for our
| intended experiment, I think they did the trick. We wanted to
| simulate what a normal gamer might go through in order to play 
| games on Vista, and the end result was just slightly more hassle
| than you would with XP. 


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