Minutes [in Denmark]
,----[ Quote ]
| We didn't discuss why the OSP isn't enough but Chris did a lot of work
| criticizing Andy Updegrove for his articles against Microsoft. Well, in
| another audience that might work.
| I criticized Microsoft of taking the fast track route when it was later
| discovered that the specification was not at all qualified for that route. A
| document is not ready for a fast track, when so many faults and errors can be
| found. ECMA didn't do their job. Chris some kind of agreed (!) with me and
| said that the route was chosen after recommendation from ECMA.
| [...]
| I am beginning to understand why Microsoft is still claiming to be open.
| Basically it's a matter of how we interpret the one word open. Microsoft
| think that XML alone makes the standard open. I use another definition. The
| process has to be open and transparent and the organization must be protected
| from being hijacked by a singe vendor. I don't think he [Chris Capossela]
| agreed or even commented on that.
Microsoft is losing badly here too:
Blu-Ray crushing rival DVD format in Japan: study
,----[ Quote ]
| Next-generation DVDs are catching on with Japanese consumers, with sales
| picking up sharply at the end of 2007 and the Blu-Ray format blowing away the
| rival HD-DVD platform, new figures show.
Two Studios to Support HD DVD Over Rival
,----[ Quote ]
| But money talks: Paramount and DreamWorks Animation together will receive
| about $150 million in financial incentives for their commitment to HD
| DVD, according to two Viacom executives with knowledge of the deal but
| who asked not to be identified.
| The incentives will come in a combination of cash and promotional
| guarantees. Toshiba, for instance, will use the release of “Shrek the
| Third” as part of an HD DVD marketing campaign.
| Paramount and DreamWorks Animation declined to comment. Microsoft, the
| most prominent technology company supporting HD DVDs, said it could not
| ^^^^^^^^^
| rule out payment but said it wrote no checks. “We provided no financial
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| incentives to Paramount or DreamWorks whatsoever,” said Amir Majidimehr,
| the head of Microsoft’s consumer media technology group.
Director: Microsoft fueling HD wars
,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is deliberately feeding into the HD disc format wars to ensure that
| its own downloads succeed where physical copies fail, says movie director
| Michael Bay in a response to a question posed through his official forums.
| The producer contends that Microsoft is writing "$100 million dollar checks"
| to movie studios to ensure HD DVD exclusives that hurt the overall market
| regardless of the format's actual merit or its popularity, preventing any one
| format from gaining a clear upper hand. Bay's own Transformers is available
| on disc only in the less popular HD DVD format despite his stated preference
| for Blu-ray. To the director, this is primarily a stalling tactic while
| Microsoft refines its own online-only technology.