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[News] Google Brags Charity, Recommends NASA Uses Free Software

  • Subject: [News] Google Brags Charity, Recommends NASA Uses Free Software
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 15:59:24 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Google's Schmidt: NASA should collaborate with public

,----[ Quote ]
| The US space program should look to collaboration and open systems to drive 
| the next wave of human exploration and innovation, Google Chairman and CEO 
| Eric Schmidt said Thursday.  


Google philanthropy targets global warming, poverty, and disease

,----[ Quote ]
| SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Google's philanthropic arm on Thursday said it is 
| taking aim at global warming, poverty, and pandemics with millions in cash 
| and the Internet giant's global resources.  
| Google.org executive director Larry Brilliant said the group had a "brutal" 
| job selecting priorities from the world's ills and crafting five core 
| initiatives it feels best match Google's strengths.  


Larry Brilliant sounds like a fake name.

Web 2.0 to the rescue

,----[ Quote ]
| InSTEDD’s Palo Alto-based team — which includes former Microsoft (MSFT) 
| executives — will tap $5 million from Google.org (Google’s philanthropic arm) 
| plus money from the Rockefeller Foundation to develop technology tools for 
| humanitarian organizations, the United Nations and other groups.   



Penguins in space: NASA picks open source for lunar mission

,----[ Quote ]
| According to Popular Mechanics, Ares project manager Steve Cook noted that 
| the specifications for the Ares I design are “open-source and 
| non-proprietary” in order that other companies can bid on future contracts. 
| The ability to avoid vendor lock-in is a significant argument in favor of the 
| use of open source software for long-term projects, particularly for 
| government agencies.     


Interview: The driver behind NASA's Mars Rovers

,----[ Quote ]
| It all runs on a collection of high-end Linux boxes -- nice systems, but 
| commodity PC hardware. Since 3-D visualisation is a big part of the job, the 
| Linux boxes sport bonzer NVIDIA graphics cards.  


NASA Selects SGI to Provide Largest Shared-Memory System in the World

,----[ Quote ]
| The new system will be the first supercomputer to operate 2,048 processor 
| cores and 4TB of memory under a single copy of Linux -- creating the 
| largest Linux single system image (SSI) in the world.  


FlightLinux blasts off again

,----[ Quote ]
| Patrick Stakem wants everyone to know that the newest iteration of 
| FlightLinux is not just for NASA rocket scientists. The special hardened 
| distribution that earlier this century orbited the Earth on an unmanned 
| satellite is set to move into active duty again, this time as a civilian 
| project.    


First Public Release of CLARAty Software

,----[ Quote ]
| With this release, a total of 44 CLARAty modules (~100K lines of code) are 
| now available under the JPL Open Source License. This release is intended to 
| share with the robotics community some of the core robotic modules which were 
| jointly developed with NASA Ames Research Center, Carnegie Mellon, and 
| University of Minnesota. This first release represents about 10% of all 
| CLARAty modules and 30% of the generic modules planned for future release.     


NASA tests Linux for spacecraft control

,----[ Quote ]
| On the software side, embedded Linux vendor Wind River says it was selected 
| to "support the development of NASA's New Millennium Program Space Technology 
| 8 (ST8) Dependable Multiprocessor." As part of its role in supporting the 
| project, the company will supply its Platform for Network Equipment, Linux 
| Edition (PNE-LE) for use on the DM system.     


Open-Source Software and Its Role in Space Exploration

,----[ Quote ]
| FOSS explores our Solar System. We send robots to the moon, Mars
| and beyond to flyby, orbit or land. FOSS goes with them, pervasive 
| in the real-time operating systems, math libraries and file systems.
| Consider the robotic decisions of where to rove, and realize the power
| given the human race by the Free Software Foundation's (FSF) 
| compilers, libraries, build scripts and so on.


NASA enlists HP in multibillion-dollar tech contract

,----[ Quote ]
| This includes desktop PCs, workstations, and blade PCs enabled to
| run Unix and Linux operating systems; as well as printers and servers.


At NASA, Windows Vista Isn't Ready For Launch

,----[ Quote ]
| Space agency among the growing list of federal agencies that
| have put a temporary hold on Windows Vista rollouts.


NASA tests Linux-based planetary surface exploration robots

,----[ Quote ]
| A Linux-based NASA lunar rover is on maneuvers -- and Internet webcams
| -- this week in the Arizona desert near Meteor Crater.
| [...]
| The K-10 runs Red Hat Linux, which NASA says was chosen for its large
| user base and application compatibility. Additionally, NASA notes that,
| "Linux's flexibility and scalability enable us to easily add, remove,
| and extend devices with minimal difficulty."


Avoiding Hubble trouble: The software plan for NASA's new space telescope

,----[ Quote ]
| "Once you get into millions of lines of code, it's really difficult
| for a new programmer coming onto a project to make a change or
| understand how different subsystems relate to each other," he says. 
| [...]
| It's hard to estimate how much money will be saved because of the
| decision to use open standards software. It could be a few million
| dollars, or 10 times that, Cammarata says.


NASA Expands Order for Innova Robotics & Automation's Universal Robot
Controller to Enhance Ground Testing

,----[ Quote ]
| In addition, Innova will provide an external clock synchronization
| signal to NASA's Linux-based host PC that will function as the
| "heart beat" that triggers the initiation of commands to the robotic arm.


Young Scientists Design Open-Source Program at NASA

,----[ Quote ]
| "NASA is recognizing the value of free and open-source software in
| other sectors," said Cowan-Sharp, a contractor at NASA Ames in
| Mountain View, California. "CosmosCode is going one step further
| by allowing NASA scientists to begin a software project in the
| public domain, leveraging the true value of open-source software
| by creating an active community of volunteers."


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