Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 13:37:13 +0100, Hadron wrote:
>> bob <bob@xxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> On Thu, 17 Jan 2008 22:10:59 -0500, Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
>>>> SOS day after day.
>>> If you don't like it, don't come here.
>>> Idiot.
>> Spike1 or Kier nym? "idiot" gives it away. Or is "Bob" just a lurker?
> I don't use nyms, and yes, this twat 'Goldfarb' is an idiot, and a liar.
>> Possibly a Kelsey shift but unlikely as it didn't make an inference to
>> her own intelligence.
> Idiot.
Judging people too quick is a Mark Kent type reaction. You are being
assimilated. Be careful. Before long you'll drive an Allegro and forget
how to use your accelerator.
All generalisations are dangerous, including this one.