On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 02:07:23 -0800, Tim Smith wrote:
> In article <l98665-o76.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Kier says:
>> >>>>>> Is Mark an idiot or just round the bend?
>> in response to (paraphrasing) does he work for the BBC? This *is*
>> trolling, Roy!
> You didn't just ask out of the blue if he worked for the BBC. You asked
> in the middle of the thread, in a place where the implication was that
> he is likely astroturfing for them.
And given what I do for a living, I find that most *un*likely :-)
He did not even have a courtesy to ask me directly the first time. Did he
really not expect me to respond?