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[News] More Free Software Success, Another Company Goes Big

  • Subject: [News] More Free Software Success, Another Company Goes Big
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 13:48:18 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
For the Gamer, and Alcoholic in Mind

,----[ Quote ]
| There’s an website by a friend of mine, which is absolutly the greatest when 
| it comes to Open Source games. 


Hot open source coders get famous


Openads Gets $15.5 Million Funding For Open-Source Ad Platform

,----[ Quote ]
| So how can Openads command such a hefty investment for a product it’s giving 
| away? It’s not the first to try to make money from open-source - Red Hat 
| (Linux), Automattic (Wordpress) and Acquia have all set about offering 
| premium options on top of essentially free software. Today, Openads launches 
| a hosted version that removes the need for users to run the software on their 
| own servers - there’s not yet any mention of that being a commercial 
| offering, but that appears the most likely monetization avenue.      


Call for Participation Open for OSCON 2008  



A Big Drop in the Bucket for Drupal

,----[ Quote ]
| Apparently, the days when a computer science graduate student can invent some 
| cool Web software and raise a few million dollars to build a company around 
| it are not over. Brand new (less than a month old) North Andover, MA, startup 
| Acquia announced yesterday that it’s raised $7 million to market software and 
| services in support of the popular Web publishing system Drupal, invented by 
| Dries Buytaert, a PhD candidate at the University of Ghent in Belgium.     
| Like the Linux operating system, the Apache web server, and the MySQL 
| database system, Drupal is a free, open-source program with a large community 
| of volunteer developers and users. And Acquia’s CEO, Jay Batson, says it will 
| remain so. Rather than creating and selling a proprietary version of Drupal—
| or “forking” the system, in geek speak—Acquia will work on specialized 
| distributions of the software and help organizations deploy it on a larger 
| scale. “We will be to Drupal what Red Hat is to Linux,” Batson says.      


Drupal developer bags $7 million

,----[ Quote ]
| Announcing US$7 million in first round founding from North Bridge Venture 
| Partners, Sigma Partners, and O'Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, Buytaert and Jay 
| Batson, former CEO and founder of Pingtel, hope to steer their Drupal spun 
| startup Acquia deeper into the enterprise.   


Open-source tools open democracy's doors

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a Vancouver Web guru, "You can't build a free and open society 
| using proprietary software." 
| [...]
| Nelson said Drupal started when a Belgian named Dries Buytaert was looking at 
| developing an on-line bulletin-board-style system for the co-op he was living 
| in, one that would enable people to exchange messages. Buytaert, then a 
| university student, still maintains a Web site at buytaert.net/ and, 
| according to Nelson, released the Drupal codebase under a GNU licence, 
| meaning it conforms to open source.     


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