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Re: Does ODF use XML, Roy? (<SNIP> Ambush Identified)

____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 16 January 2008 08:29 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ High Plains Thumper on Monday 14 January 2008 06:28 : \____
>>> Tim Smith wrote:
>>>> High Plains Thumper wrote:
>>>>> Tim Smith wrote:
>>>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>>> It's a rather broad patent covering most or all XML.  That means it
>>>>>> covers ODF just as much as it covers OOXML, so why do you try to make
>>>>>> it sound like this is just an OOXML problem?
>>>>> Oh, I see, it is a case of reading into a quote, is it not?  Care to
>>>>> discuss the article points or give your counterpoints instead of your
>>>>> pointless accusations, hmmm, Timmy?
>>>>> Here is what PJ has to say of this new patent troll effort:
>>>>> http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20051021183953795
>>> <SNIP>
>>>>> [quote] Remember Michael Anderer indicating that Microsoft's strategy
>>>>> would be to make sure FOSS is hit with one patent lawsuit after another
>>>>> until it lies down and dies? Remember Andrew Orlowski writing about
>>>>> Ballmer's speech in Asia, which he later tried to clarify, that
>>>>> Microsoft's weapon of choice is not patent infringement lawsuits, but
>>>>> rather the *threat* of them, or to put it plainly, FUD? That success
>>>>> for Microsoft would be in the *bringing* of lawsuits (or having someone
>>>>> bring them), one after another, whereby the ultimate outcome doesn't
>>>>> matter so much as being able to tie up everyone in costly litigation,
>>>>> so it can herald the "news" that FOSS is dangerous to use in the
>>>>> enterprise? More SCO, anyone?  <SNIP> [/quote]
>>>>> Well, it will be interesting to see where all of this heads.  If they
>>>>> go after Sun and OASIS and ignore Microsoft, it will cause another SCO
>>>>> stir. This is particularly interesting if things turn out that way,
>>>>> since the company with the patent portfolio has historically been a
>>>>> partner of Microsoft:
>>>>> [quote] About Market Central
>>>>> Headquartered in Atlanta, Market Central, Inc. is a full service
>>>>> Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provider. The Company has
>>>>> developed a next-generation suite of CRM solutions that include
>>>>> proprietary, patented software for data capture, cleansing, mining,
>>>>> integration, search, and intelligent document recognition. The Company
>>>>> is also a Microsoft development partner for MS CRM solutions. Market
>>>>> Central provides other CRM services, such as campaign management, and
>>>>> operates a 900-seat contact center to support the software line of
>>>>> business and provide outsourced contact center services to select
>>>>> clients as part of their overall CRM effort. [/quote]
>>>>> According to:
>>>>> or http://tinyurl.com/242vj9
>>>>> [quote] 3 Patent disclosure
>>>>> As mandated by the Patent Policy in its paragraph 1, any party
>>>>> participating in the work of the Organizations should, from the outset,
>>>>> draw their attention to any known patent or to any known pending patent
>>>>> application, either their own or of other organizations.
>>>>> In this context, the words ?from the outset? imply that such
>>>>> information should be disclosed as early as possible during the
>>>>> development of the Recommendation | Deliverable. This might not be
>>>>> possible when the first draft text appears since at this time, the text
>>>>> might be still too vague or subject to subsequent major modifications.
>>>>> Moreover, that information should be provided in good faith and on a
>>>>> best effort basis, but there is no requirement for patent searches.
>>>>> [/quote]
>>>>> and
>>>>> [quote] Whether the identification of the Patent took place before or
>>>>> after the approval of the Recommendation | Deliverable, if the Patent
>>>>> Holder is unwilling to license under paragraph 2.1 or 2.2 of the Patent
>>>>> Policy, the Organizations will promptly advise the Technical Bodies
>>>>> responsible for the affected Recommendation | Deliverable so that
>>>>> appropriate action can be taken. Such action will include, but may not
>>>>> be limited to, a review of the Recommendation | Deliverable or its
>>>>> draft in order to remove the potential conflict or to further examine
>>>>> and clarify the technical considerations causing the conflict. [/quote]
>>>>> Blogger in Roy's link indicated that in accordance with the ISO
>>>>> process, committee members were informed of a potential conflict that
>>>>> could affect the outcome of the current draft ISO approval process.
>>>>> This is the start of what is described in the first quote above.
>>>>> Per the latter quote, if there appears to be a valid claim, then the
>>>>> corrective action is to remove the potential conflict and press on.
>>>>> This is an elementary position of Gnu and FOSS, is it not?
>>>>> Playing the "Devil's advocate", if it further delays OOXML approval in
>>>>> ISO, perhaps it is an indication that Microsoft may be in store for a
>>>>> dose of its own medicine?
>>>> [bunch of incoherent rambling deleted]
>>>> Do you want to actually try to address the point?
>>> I did, but apparently you have a reading comprehension problem.  You want
>>> to advocate a personal agenda of attacking advocates instead of addressing
>>> points being brought up.  Such gobshite is not worth my responding to.
>> He's trying to hide evidence. Quick, Tim. Allchin said that mail needs to be
>> deleted every 6 months (at least) in order to hide criminal evidence.
>> Google thrives in knowledge, making people educated.
>> Microsoft thrives in eliminating knowledge, ensuring people remain naive
>> enough not to understand the Microsoft pyramid scheme.
> The internet is fantastic for this, it's very very hard for Microsoft
> and its shilcosystem to lie about their intentions without the evidence
> of their lies being presented in short order.  Of course Timmy deletes
> it, what else can he do?  He's been proven to be 100% in the wrong.
> It must be tough, playing for the losing team.

Loss or not loss, what bothers the mind much more is that you have criminal
activity to consider it. Microsoft need not to lose. It needs to be put in
prison given some of the things we're witnessing. Just as an example, why is
Robert Bach still out there? He broke the law and he wasn't even investigated.
The US juridical system is becoming to resemble mafia state where the 'strong'
people are above the law and poor grandmothers are being bullied by the RIAA
for downloading a song!

                ~~ Best of wishes

In a perfect world, all high-velocity impacts make fine orange juice
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