Mark Kent wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Peter Köhlmann on Sunday 13 January 2008 20:02 : \____
>>> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 09:26:44 -0600, thad05@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Why would they need Microsoft's permission to publish a Tomcat
>>>>>> benchmark?
>>>>> I suppose if they are running Tomcat on Windows it might fall under
>>>>> the benchmarking clauses of the Windows EULA.
>>>> What clauses might those be? Have you actually read the Windows EULA?
>>>> There is no such clause.
>>> ...
>>> Many more
>>> ...
>>> Care to lie more now, Erik Funkenbusch?
>> Just killfile that liar. He's not worth your time.
>> Recent:
>> "According to the Vista user agreement (EULA), because the OS contains
>> "one or more components" of the .Net Framework 3.0, users can conduct
>> internal benchmarking of those components, but can't disclose the
>> results of those benchmarks--or measurements to compare rival
>> products--unless they comply with conditions found at a Microsoft Web
>> site"
> When Erik starts to tell the truth, we'll know that it's safe for us to
> retire, as our job will be completed.
And then we start scanning the sky for flying pigs...
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