Tim Smith wrote:
> Mary Lou Jepsen is one of the main people behind the OLPC (see
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Lou_Jepsen> for details). She
> posted to Slashdot to refute the FUD, which Roy is spreading in
> several places, that olpcnews.com is an Intel shill site:
> <http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=416106&cid=22017038>
> Roy's evidence? Someone who write at olpcnews.com is a director of a
> division of IESC (<http://www.iesc.org/>) that has done some projects
> with Intel (and, among others, the Peace Corp, Africare, and Helen
> Keller international).
But don't count on the utter public destruction of Roy's idiocy being nearly
enough to make him change. James Gosling (of Sun and Java fame) told me
himself in an email that Rex Ballard was a liar that he [Gosling] had never
heard of, yet even after I posted that devastating refutation of his lies,
Rex didn't stop claiming his work was the basis for Java.
The truth isn't nearly enough to keep nutcases like Roy Homer Rex from
spewing their warped lies and misinterpretations of reality.