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Re: [News] Details About Novell Stff Exodus After Bullnux Deal

  • Subject: Re: [News] Details About Novell Stff Exodus After Bullnux Deal
  • From: Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 22:31:31 +0100
  • Bytes: 3646
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:/3Y16Z2T1rZviQ4x9iWYtzsHsLg=
  • Face: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwBAMAAAClLOS0AAAAKlBMVEUEAgJbIBVoY15hUCmc FhbtGBOVZkLntRzywheujjymop7OsJ7u07Lq6eilId+TAAAACXBIWXMAAABIAAAASABGyWs+AAAB 60lEQVQ4y83STUgVURjG8f85k6j3lp6xTS6MMaGNGiP0DQVhtAssolbWLAJBau2mYnLRx06Ckhbl bIooBGkXGAZBFPQxcKNNdNNNRMid46LIdDot7nTHcaZ9Zzk/znvmfXgk/zjyv4ftqhjkvRvF0Cp6 txWCoPbQKQKD/Hw5D5a7gqbDWg/WqzvT4oq52AzQFYCE6QBo4ffPqKYqWwD0fpDg+vWbQj1STy4B OMvpqBjhg1R9LsgZAxLCx8Ay/AAwIaKXsoMEtzwA8RlMAHyFvhkYR1IivODAh6nB+5raUagAZUfS g+v6YG4ed0d2HQGsGBiXlg8xAN78JwMQ7x6if68sAaEH8K2a/KGuDFsvZVc/30/+zcE+fMIGeDEk pFVhR/rdFoMAvB+WuM8bue+kyWv2kqSb3niNgBWy2xxL0n3beAAgMitWvgw2lCYIiuujk6Uy4Ca0 HjbUa/UuB5tmdRTpgpZEWq0+VcnAzBvWYsji7LM8rM5pMxflR2VPHsRABjw6gE727Rk7NbEGrM7b ZwHn6oFD8CUFcWtrtUfRelB0K8XmFFpqUB1RbYIlkgrU4bRYsG3b0/VQSinYKMD+1Q6w5KfgAGDM uQUdtU3qFKYAzDzx5LXro3rNHq/bNWwM8pvHo3c/PjifCeAPa9eNC9aoFNgAAAAaelRYdEpQRUct Q29sb3JzcGFjZQAAeNozAgAAMwAzERZ+YwAAACp6VFh0SlBFRy1TYW1wbGluZy1mYWN0b3JzAAB4 2jOqMNIxrDDUMawwBAARgwLpBsTKKAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark
  • References: <2717714.ZGLQa5TPeF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <c1is55xfb1.ln2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <fmg9m8$hae$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <mgus55xn72.ln2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu Debian-Lenny)
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:593761
Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hadron wrote:
>> Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> Novell SA restructures, retrenches
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | Naidoo reveals the local workforce was required to re-apply for new
>>>> | positions under its revamped structure. This process saw ?about 20%?
>>>> | of its old workforce retrenched.
>>>> `----
> http://www.itweb.co.za/sections/business/2008/0801141040.asp?O=FPTOP&S=Software&A=SFT
>>> Am I reading that right? Does that add up to a 80% cut in workforce at
>>> Novell SA?
>>> Wow...
>> Roy would be happy if that were the case. Unemployed student runs
>> campaign to destroy Novell. Whole families put on the breadline as a
>> result.
>> These guys did more for Linux than that spammer Schestowitz will ever do
>> with all his lies and plagiarised posts.
> All to the destruction of Novell. If you look at a picture of Novell prior
> to the microsoft takeover and compare it to a picture of Novell now...
> Novell is far worse for wear... MS is banging the crap out of them....

You know that it bollox. If you don't know that Jerry, then go and do
your homework.

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