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[News] Linux Has the Upper Hand, Windows (Vista) Must Adapt to Survive

  • Subject: [News] Linux Has the Upper Hand, Windows (Vista) Must Adapt to Survive
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:32:47 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
More Advantages To Running Linux Over Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| This post is yet another in a series of mine that strives to show the 
| advantages of running Linux over Windows for most home/office users. 
| [...]
| My real point would be this though: Why, after all these years has Microsoft 
| not done anything to prevent the ease with which a virus, spyware or malware 
| can access their systems without the so-called protection of 3rd party 
| companies? All they’d need to do is to follow what Linux (And Mac) have done 
| for a long, long time. Why?    


New parody:

Microsoft News Release: Vista Lite Online--The Ultimate Computing Experience

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft today announced Microsoft Vista Lite Online, an alternative to 
| Vista Home Sub-Premium, released in 2009 for Windows PC's running at 3.2Ghz 
| with a minimum of 4 gigabytes of internal memory. Microsoft believes its new 
| lite version offers a powerful solution for Windows users whose computers 
| crash, crawl and stall when loading "Windows It's Alive," Internet Destroyer 
| or type "Mac" in its search window.     



Vista's Problem: Microsoft Does Not Scale

,----[ Quote ]
| It is deeply ironic that once upon a time Linux - and Linus - was taxed with 
| an inability to scale. Today, though, when Linux is running everything from 
| most of the world's supercomputers to the new class of sub-laptops like the 
| Asus EEE PC and increasing numbers of mobile phones, it is Microsoft that 
| finds itself unable to scale its development methodology to handle this 
| range. Indeed, it can't even produce a decent desktop system, as the whole 
| Vista fiasco demonstrates.      


Opinion: Competing Trends are Creating an Opening for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista faces problems here. Cheap hardware becomes impossible if the operating 
| system itself costs hundreds of dollars, and you just can’t fit much hardware 
| into a highly mobile device. Linux solves both these problems. Linux has low 
| requirements. Linux is free.   


Mobile likes Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| All in all, the use of small mobile device will not stop any when soon. The 
| ubiquitousness of high speed web access will catalyze even more the entry of 
| all sorts of small mobile devices. But who will get the fruits of such 
| thing - depends on applications and their vendors.   
| I think that Linux-based devices have a very bright future ahead.


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