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Re: NEWS Roy Schestowitz is having another mental breakdown and making a fool of himself.

Moshe Goldfarb wrote:

> On Sat, 12 Jan 2008 10:54:46 -0500, amicus_curious wrote:
>> "Cletus Spencer" <cspencer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:4787c2c8$0$26080$88260bb3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> "Linonut" <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> news:MFPhj.48833$Mu4.5056@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>* Cletus Spencer fired off this tart reply:
>>>>> Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
>>>> Instant plonk.
>>> Instead of ignoring and looking the other way why don't you be a true
>>> friend and try to help Roy Schestowitz. He clearly has mental health
>>> issues from sitting behind a computer 24/7 and posting. How bad do his
>>> paranoid delusions need to get before you recognize it?
>> Try blocking Schestowitz and Kent and see what happens.  All but a
>> handful of posts never show up on the newsreader and only to the extent
>> that someone
>> else makes a comment.  So you only have to view the meaty ones and have a
>> much richer source of entertainment.
> I just did that on the current download and there are about 5 posts.
> This group has sunk to the point where it's the same 3 people talking to
> each other.

Strange, isn't it, flatfish?
Ignorance is a condition. Stupidity is a way of life.

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