The Web's unfortunate fetish with the browser
,----[ Quote ]
| I like the way Google does it on my BlackBerry. Can I access Google Maps,
| News, etc. in a browser? Yes. But I like having separate icons for them on my
| BlackBerry. I like to think of them as distinct applications, in other words.
This is very true.
The future of enterprise software: Bungee's in the cloud, for the cloud model
,----[ Quote ]
| Open source and SaaS dramatically change the way enterprises consume
| software. But today I heard this taken to the nth degree, with a shift in a
| company's revenue model, as well. Bungee Labs helps enterprises (of any size,
| but with a particular focus on the tens of thousands-strong SMB market) build
| rich Internet applications (RIAs) in the cloud, for the cloud.
SaaS and the packaged software appliance
,----[ Quote ]
| resident and CTO Scott Dietzen (pictured below) told me this week
| the company initially adopted the appliance model because some of
| its smaller customers in the education market didn’t have Linux
| skills in-house. By using a prepackaged appliance, Zimbra
| effectively packages in all its own Linux implementation
| skills so that the customer can just get on with using the application.
| [Zimbra president and CTO Scott Dietzen] Zimbra uses
| appliance technology from rPath to do the packaging.
| Because it only packages up the elements of the underlying
| Linux, Apache and mySQL platforms that the Zimbra application
| actually uses,
What the world needs now is Google Linux
,----[ Quote ]
| Following Microsoft's inking of agreements with Linux hawkers,
| offering to shield them from lawsuits over the 235 patents it
| reckons versions of Linux infringe, a gathering of open sorcerers
| is assembling at Google HQ to debate what is to be done.
Firm picks Oracle 10g on Red Hat Enterprise Linux for the long haul
,----[ Quote ]
| When it came time for fleet tracking and management software provider Cadec
| Global LLC to rebuild its software as a Software as a Service (SaaS)
| offering, Cadec's chief architect, Heimir Sverrisson, knew it had to be
| deployed on Linux, not Microsoft Windows or a proprietary Unix flavor like
| Sun Microsystems' Solaris or IBM's AIX.
Lumen gives open source some SaaS
,----[ Quote ]
| Lumen says it is going after a critical mass of PHP developers --
| over 5 million worldwide -- and burgeoning demand for SaaS; it cites
| an IDC survey, where 15% of SMBs said they?re considering a
| move to SaaS.
Is the mainstream ready for SaaS?
,----[ Quote ]
| IT departments need to recognise this and work out what place it holds
| today in their operations and where it will be utilised tomorrow, for
| services hosted inside the company and for those that can/should/should
| not be hosted outside it. The mainstream is more than ready for SaaS.
Is Microsoft Office Doomed?
,----[ Quote ]
| Browser-based productivity tools may be the way of the future.
| But today, they're a promising, intriguing, sometimes
| infuriating mixed bag.
Microsoft's big nightmare: free online apps
,----[ Quote ]
| A new generation of browsers is about to make Web
| applications better than downloadable desktop software.
| [...]
| No software will be downloaded to your hard drive, and
| everything is free. You could be working on a document
| on an office computer, hit "Save," go home, and resume
| work. You could be using Windows, Mac OS X, or Ubuntu
| Linux; the application is agnostic, so long as you
| have the latest browser.
IBM beefs up SOA business
,----[ Quote ]
| IBM is beefing up its software and services to capture interest
| in services-oriented architecture, a technology shift the company is
| intent to capitalize on.