"Cletus Spencer" <cspencer@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> What's the matter. Are you learning the hard way that companies are not
> interested in hiring paranoid psycho zealots? I imagine the pressure to find
> a job is getting to you which would explain your recent mental breakdown.
> Isn't it about time that you paid for your own internet service?
> Oh wait... I better be careful or you will "Call the police" on me.
> HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!
> - "I will contact the police."
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/5e4fb11022f0a5ab
Roy Schestowitz is a nasty piece of work. The following quote from the
link above shows him for what he really - a paranoid twat with an
agenda against anyone (read "everyone") with more money than him. If I
was Gates I would prosecute Schestwoitz for accusing him of using his
foundation to indirectly murder children in its search for higher profits:
| (it's a funds for personal purposes like tax evasion, buying Bill a
| positive image in the press, buying media companies for bias, and increasing
| profits through oil companies that kill children, etc
I wonder how many of the COLA advocates *SUPPORT* Roy's comments above?
He has gone one step too far here I think and really shown himself up
for what he really is.