Aussie coders not in open source for the money
,----[ Quote ]
| Despite frequent speculation that corporate financing is dangerous to the
| ethos of the open source software (OSS) community, most Australian open
| source developers don't see payment as a primary influence on their
| contributions, a straw poll of attendees at in Melbourne
| suggests.
| [..]
| While much research by psychologists suggests that people who are offered a
| reward to do something won't readily do it voluntarily, Peters suggested this
| had to be placed in context. "It depends on whether payment is normal. It's
| very normal to get paid to do software development. It doesn't change your
| internal way of thinking."
Here are 2 /extremely/ greedy companies attacking volunteers (at least it
wasn't cute puppies):
Intel: doing the dirty on OLPC
,----[ Quote ]
| Intel’s agreement with the OLPC Foundation included a ‘non disparagement’
| clause, under which Intel and One Laptop promised not to criticize each
| other, according to Nicholas Negroponte in the latest article in the Wall
| Street Journal.
| Still Intel tactics have violated that repeatedly to kill OLPC efforts in
| Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan, India, China and Intel is also still trying to pull
| those tactics in Mexico, Brazil.
| This is simply disgracefull of Intel, scandalous.
| But Negroponte has signed an agreement saying that he is not allowed to
| criticize Intel, so he is not allowed to talk about these shameless tactics
| even though Intel is the one violating the agreement.
| So only independant voices on the Internet can get those messages of truth
| out about Intels tactics.
| In Nigeria, Intel came and donated 3000 laptops to counter OLPC efforts, then
| sells 17 thousand Classmates to Nigeria at a loss.
| Then Microsoft corrupted Nigerian officials with 400 thousand dollars to
| install Windows XP on those instead of Mandriva Linux.
"Human Greed Has No Bounds," Says MSFT in Fee Dispute
,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft, he adds, is "seeking to punish counsel that has cost them a lot
| of money by increasing [the settlement] value to Wisconsin class members."