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Re: Nokia N810

____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 30 January 2008 13:33 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Linonut on Tuesday 29 January 2008 12:35 : \____
>>> * Erik Funkenbusch peremptorily fired off this memo:
>>>> Well, I just bought a Nokia N810.  I think it's pretty cool, with the
>>>> exception of it's syncing ability to common apps, and the suspicious lack
>>>> of a calendar app.  I'm looking forward to developing some interesting
>>>> stuff for this.
>> Microsoft Troll says: "but I use Linux... and I hate it [that comes later]"
> That's the only reason I can imagine someone from the Shilcosystem
> getting one.  What Eric means by "common apps" are, of course, the
> proprietary ones he uses.
> Here is SyncEvolution: http://www.estamos.de/blog/2007/12/21/maemo-n810/
> ... versions also available for 770 and 800, I believe.

If the 770 is 'abandoned', then so is Windows 2000. Making available newer
models isn't abandoning. I don't even know why a troll thread is visible (it's
an orphan)...

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    while (sig==sig) sig=!sig;
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