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Re: Ping> Roy Schestowitz

"Moshe Goldfarb" <brick.n.straw@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> On Sat, 26 Jan 2008 09:54:33 -0500, Rondo Goldshlag wrote:
>> "Mark Kent" <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:2gtr65-er9.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Rondo Goldshlag <rondo@xxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> "Mark Kent" <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>> news:2ncr65-0gb.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>>> ____/ Mark Kent on Friday 25 January 2008 16:04 : \____
>>>>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>>>>> ____/ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Friday 25 January 2008 00:01 
>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> \____
>>>>>>>>> On Jan 24, 12:18 pm, "chrisv" <chr...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Ignore the fscking Kohlman twat, who's harassing you!
>>>>>>>>>> Keep up the good work, Roy!
>>>>>> mms://a232.v87252.c8725.g.vc.akamaistream.net/7/232/8725/v0001/msnent.download.akamai.com/8725/DBA90618/published/Video/Projects/High/rodstewart_illstandbyyou_cr_intl_1009.wmv
>>>>>>>>> You must have hit a sensitive nerve, the trolls are swarming all
>>>>>>>>> over
>>>>>>>>> the place.  Of course, 95% of them are flatfish sockpuppets.
>>>>>>>> I received some E-mails in the past couple of days. I'm being told
>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>> sources that are reliable that I hurt Microsoft where it really
>>>>>>>> hurts
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> company so the levels of the attacks rose. I have filters here and
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> Digg,
>>>>>>>> so I don't notice much of it. These are attempts to distract,
>>>>>>>> getting
>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>> emotional or having me write back in rage (for trolls to use to
>>>>>>>> discredit
>>>>>>>> further). Not everyone would fall for it...
>>>>>>> What was the prompt for this?
>>>>>> I brought up the issue of abuse floods (not just in COLA). This came
>>>>>> just
>>>>>> shortly after there was a traffic surge in BN.com. Doug took a look 
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> logs to see if Microsoft's PR agents were at it again. I know Novell
>>>>>> keeps
>>>>>> track of the site, but recently I've brought out some facts that are
>>>>>> very
>>>>>> damaging to Microsoft. I have more coming, but not enough time to 
>>>>>> edit
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> collect the links.
>>>>>> Microsoft has been getting caught with its pants down quiet a lot
>>>>>> recently.
>>>>> This will only get worse as the empire collapses.  It won't go down
>>>>> easily.
>>>> Clearly you are
>>> going to *plonk* another nym.
>> No surprise here. Most chicken-snot cowards like you prefer to run away 
>> and
>> hide.

> Mark Kent has taken quite a beating the last few days. In fact he hasn't
> been right yet so his method of saving himself from further embarrassment
> is to ignore the people who are lambasting him.

He certainly has been more of an embarrassment than usual lately. Certainly 
he is one of the dumbers shills here and I suspect that his masters have 
been paying him less than usual for such low quality posts.

> Just like a typical chicken shit.


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