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Re: [News] SuSE (not Novell) CEO Advocates Linux and FOSS in Europe

____/ Mark Kent on Saturday 26 January 2008 11:37 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Open Source Meets Business Congress founder boosts OSS in Europe
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| This week Richard Seibt, the final CEO of an independent SUSE, held his
>>| third Open Source Meets Business Congress in Nurnberg, Germany --
>>| birthplace of SUSE. Seibt says the event plays host to 720 people, 60% of
>>| whom identify themselves as "c-level decision makers" and 20% of whom say
>>| they are "IT professionals."
>> `----
>> http://www.linux.com/feature/125622
> I think it's time for SuSE to redevelop an independent personality and
> existence from Novell.  The influence of Novell has been abysmal for
> SuSE, which had been one of the most important distributions, and has
> been reduced to an image of contemptible behaviour in much of the foss
> world.  Some clear blue water between SuSE will help it survive the
> forthcoming collapse of Novell.

This guy actually runs a company that BN writes about sometimes. It seems to be
distancing itself from Novell's action's somewhat, or at least express
regrets. I think they used to rely on Hula (now Bongo), which Novell canned
shortly after the deal with Microsoft. Several sources including ourselves
claimed it had something to do with the software being a threat to Microsoft
Exchange, but Novell denied this. But anyway, yes, I agree. Bring a
Novell-clean fork of SUSE would be nice, unless it's too Mono-dependent
already. Remember the marriage of Ximian and SuSE at Novell... then came GNOME
as the default DE.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Software sucks. Open Source sucks less."
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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