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[News] Misunderstandings Around the Word "Free", KDE Launches "Be Free" Campaign

  • Subject: [News] Misunderstandings Around the Word "Free", KDE Launches "Be Free" Campaign
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:34:28 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Hard facts on free software with RMS

,----[ Quote ]
| (Q) The term “Free Software” has been widely misunderstood. Is it software 
| that is free of charge? 
| (A) Not necessarily. It is a misunderstanding. It is because, in English, we 
| don’t have a good word for “Nidahas”. We only have the word “free” which can 
| also mean “gratis”. So, it causes confusion. It even took me a few years to 
| recognize these two different meanings of the word “free”, have to be 
| carefully distinguished. In Sinhala and Tamil, these two words explain it 
| well. You have to get the meaning of this word right. It’s not a matter of 
| price at all. It’s a matter of freedom.      


Timely example:

Free Range, not Free Beer

,----[ Quote ]
| I was eating breakfast in my favorite restaurant today and I noticed a sign 
| up on the wall that said: "Free Range Eggs, $4.00 per dozen" 
| Now at first I had the common knee-jerk reaction to the word "Free" that 
| everyone does, thinking of the concept of "gratis". Then I realized that the 
| word "Free" was related to "Range" and not the price of the eggs.  


KDE4 ... Be Free campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| With 4.0's release, the technology of KDE4 isn't the only thing we find 
| ourselves at the starting line of. As many of you have probably noticed, a 
| theme for our KDE4 promotion campaigns was also unveiled using the slogan "Be 
| Free". It was a long time arriving at those two small words. The input of 
| many people including Tom Chance, Sebastian Kugler, Martijn Klingens, Wade 
| Olson ... the list is long ... was crucial and there is a lot of thought and 
| planning in behind this.      



Blogger preaches Internet download freedoms

,----[ Quote ]
| DRM has emerged as an attempt to make it more difficult to copy, Doctorow 
| said. "I call it anti-copying technology," Doctorow said. But he added he 
| does not think DRM works. The software industry basically has abandoned it, 
| Doctorow said.    


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