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Re: [News] Linux Good for the Environment, for People's Health

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, amicus_curious
on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 22:22:00 -0500
> "The Ghost In The Machine" <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:lok765-6ca.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> The only problem with Linux at this point is getting the word out. :-)
> I believe that has always been a problem with Linux.  And nothing is 
> changed.
> Meanwhile, Microsoft marches on with conference after conference touting the 
> latests .NET facilities, ever increasing SQL Server functions, and more and 
> more framework wizardry with VisualStudio.NET 2008.  No such sizzle from the 
> OSS/Linux/Unix/Java contingent.  They pooh-pooh the improvements in 
> developer productivity as unmanly or something.  Like not rolling your own 
> smokes used to be looked upon by the real rustics. 

Of course.  As everyone well knows, it's far better to
trust a convicted monopolist than a vendor that opens his
source to you.

Also, .NET is the latest thing in sliced bread, having
all sorts of capabilities, from no JIT optimization to
proprietary and patented extensions that are only useful
in Microsoft contexts, allowing the user the freedom of
a single alternative vendor, namely Microsoft.  Clearly,
this is state of the art stuff.

(FSVO "state", "art", and "stuff".)

As for sizzle...how exciting is an electric motor nowadays?
Been out there pricing solar cells?  Maybe you fancy
phones?  (The regular PSTN kind, not the ones that buzz
hiply in one's hip pocket, are hiply fashionable and
fashionably hip, and cost an arm and a leg (and maybe a
hip) and maybe one's fingers from texting so many SMS
messages their ears go deaf from the beeps.  (Hiply,
of course.)  At least the iPhone innovated a phone
touchscreen, though touchscreens aren't that innovative
in themselves really -- they've been around for industrial
control equipment and copiers for quite awhile, AFAIK.
And copiers are *not* hip, though they're useful.)

Perhaps tires are more your style?  Or maybe good
old-fashioned 110 VAC switches.  Yeah, there's sizzle
for you; flip a switch, it works, as opposed to 1 time
in a hundred asking you "New upgrades are available;
click to download, install, and reboot.  [OK]" before
turning on the power.  And of course tires cover the
short distance between wheel and road, cushioning things.
No reboots there.

Linux is out there, managing servers even as we speak.
Perhaps you've forgotten also Microsoft's rather
interesting (and ultimately failed) attempts at taking
over the server market, using NT.  Now it is trying again,
this time with .NET -- and it is far from clear that the
adoption speed of .NET will be any faster than a snail
stuck in hardening molasses in January, from all accounts
I've seen thus far.

But never mind all that...where did we want to be dragged today?

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows Vista.  Now in nine exciting editions.  Try them all!

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