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[News] iPhone PwnageTool Fakes Free Software

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How to risk your project and your livelihood with sloppy licensing

,----[ Quote ]
| Just to be clear, I am not bringing up the c story to comment on the evils on 
| non-free software licenses. The problem in this case is that the PwnageTool 
| team never attached any license to its code, despite talking about it.  
| The April 2008 release notes for PwnageTool 1.1 say that portions of the 
| code "will be released under the GPL," and to look for source code on a 
| Google Code project page "within 48 hours of this release." It is now July, 
| and there is still no license on any code in either location.   



Microsoft's non-open source attempt at open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Yet as Sandcastle demonstrates, Microsoft still has a long ways to go before
| it demonstrates that it understands and is willing to stand behind the
| obligations of open source. The Sandcastle project went live on January 8.
| Several months later, it still isn't providing source code, a key tenet of
| the CodePlex hosting requirements
| [...]
| Microsoft built CodePlex. It can do with it what it wants. But what it can't
| do is borrow the term "open source" for marketing purposes and then fail to
| live up to the Open Source Definition. I thought the company understood that.
| Sandcastle makes me wonder....
| So, Microsoft, your options are clear: 1) Request the site owner to provide
| source code or 2) Properly label CodePlex as a code repository, but not
| necessarily as an open-source code repository.


Microsoft’s deceptive advertising, again.

,----[ Quote ]
| Does Microsoft think we the Linux and Open Source user base are just a bunch
| of morons? In the latest advertising campaign of the closed sourced software
| giant that’s exactly what they are hoping for. Go ahead and check out for
| yourself. At http://www.microsoft.com/opensource they try to make it look
| like they are all for Open source software. They even have what they call the
| Hero Pack, fill out a form and they will send you a pack of “open source”
| tools that will help you become an “Open Source Hero”. What a giant load of
| crap how does “evaluation copies” of server 2008 and Visual Studio rank as
| open source software. They are so cheap it’s not even full versions (like I’d
| use it if it was).

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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