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[News] EU 'Corruption' Trail Leads to Vivendi-Universal

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Corruption overflow in the policy-making environment

,----[ Quote ]
| At the centre of this story of corruption lies one company, but please, don’t 
| think it is a unique case (others will be quoted below): it is just the most 
| impudent and shameless one. This company is Vivendi (formerly 
| Vivendi-Universal).   


Kathy Sinnott press release:

'Kathy Sinnott MEP for Munster will be voting against a series of amendments to
the European Telecommunications Directive designed to give the EU control over
citizen’s internet usage. The proposed amendments to the could force internet
service providers to turn over information on customers and monitor their
internet usage. It could also force software makers to include spyware in
their products to allow not only governments but also corporations to monitor
citizen’s activities whether or not they are suspected of unlawful behaviour.

'Kathy Sinnott MEP said “I am a great proponent of net neutrality. The reason
the internet is what it is today, is that no-one owns it and no company or
government has as yet taken control over it. These amendments being pressed by
some MEP’s seek to move Europe closer to the Chinese internet model where
usage is monitored and where an individual goes online can be curtailed. This
will give vast control over our lives to governments and in some cases
corporations. I believe that law enforcement agencies should be allowed to
pursue specific targets (eg. child pornography, terrorism) but monitoring the
entire populace is not the way to go about it. These intrusions into our
privacy would be unacceptable and I will be urging my colleagues to vote down
all such amendments on July 7th.”'


French say non to pirates with year long Internet ban

,----[ Quote ]
| France gets set to get tough on Internet pirates as President Sarkozy tells
| his cabinet there is no reason why it should be a lawless zone. The HADOPI
| bill, if made law, will see persistent offenders being banned by all French
| ISPs.


Big Brother: Sarkozy calls for it, his government does it.

,----[ Quote ]
| "I want to see everything and know everything." - Nicolas Sarkozy, 2006, on
| video-surveillance
| La Quadrature du Net (Squaring the Net) has seen the draft "Trust Online”
| Charter (FR) that the Ministry of the Interior is asking ISPs to sign by June
| 10th. The text confirms La Quadrature’s worst fears. Under the pretext of
| protecting users, the French government is attempting to put in place an
| all-encompassing Internet monitoring and filtering system. It seeks to avoid
| the usual processes of law-making, in order to impose disproportionate
| obligations on the ISPs – obligations which violate fundamental rights and
| which are contrary to the ethos of the Internet environment.


EU hopes for Community patent under French Presidency

,----[ Quote ]
| "If there is enough political will, I am confident of having a solution soon,
| maybe even under the French Presidency," Vijzak stated.


The Struggles of France's Three Strikes Law

,----[ Quote ]
| As 2008 began, the international music industry was proudly predicting the
| dawning of a new age of co-operation between rightsholders, Internet
| companies and governments. The dynamic new President of France, Nicolas
| Sarkozy, together with Denis Olivennes, the head of France's largest consumer
| electronics and media retailer, had announced a new policy of "graduated
| response" for the French Net. Users accused of repeated copyright
| infringement online would be first warned, then suspended from the online
| world, and finally banned for a year if they did not tow the line. Music
| industry representatives heralded it as a model that should be imitated
| across the globe: in IFPI's 2008 report, its CEO John Kennedy said this was
| the year that "ISP responsibility" for protecting the music industry "becomes
| a reality".
| Six months on from the original Olivennes report, with growing objections
| across Europe, collapsing support for Sarkozy's administration at home, and
| still no "three strikes" law on any statute books, the entertainment industry
| is getting a little antsy. Last week, the French RIAA, le Syndicat national
| de l'édition phonographique (SNEP), announced a deadline to Sarkozy's
| ministers.


Sarkozy’s broadband tax plan snagged by Eurocrats

,----[ Quote ]
| THE EU COMMISSION has warned that France’s quest for universal internet
| access would be hampered by a presidential proposal to tax broadband usage.  
| The plan is to supplement the licence fee for public broadcast television and
| radio which has a funding shortfall due to the decision to abolish
| advertising in order to 'raise standards'.  
| Speaking in Paris this week, EU Telecoms Commissioner Viviane Reding,
| condemned President Sarkozy’s proposal arguing it contradicted his own
| ambition to make broadband available to all French people.  


Sarkozy intervenes in France to revert the OOXML position

,----[ Quote ]
| Confidential sources say that President Sarkozy has intervened himself in the
| French position on Microsoft OOXML, asking members of the committee to revert
| their position, and support an abstention. Our sources say he was approached
| by a lobbyist during his 3-days trip in England. The intervention has been
| made on Friday.    


Europe rejects plan to criminalize file-sharing

,----[ Quote ]
| France's so-called Oliviennes strategy to combat copyright abuse includes
| a "three strikes and you are out" approach: offenders lose the right to an
| Internet account after being caught sharing copyright-protected music over
| the Internet for a third time.  


Sweden Rejects Sarkozy’s War on File Sharing

,----[ Quote ]
| French President Nicolas Sarkozy wants to disconnect European file sharers
| from the Internet. The idea is already in the process of being realized in
| France, and will according to Sarkozy be a step toward “a civilized Internet”
| where ISPs watch the information that their customers exchange.  



,----[ Quote ]
| [Nicolas] Sarkozy and his family have been vacationing at
| a lakefront estate in Wolfeboro owned by former Microsoft Corp. executive
| Michael Appe.


Fran Nevrkla Identifies a Copyright Gap

,----[ Quote ]
| The support for Commissioner McCreevy came from the French President Nicolas
| Sarkozy. Soon after taking office, he set up a commission, led by the head of
| the major retail chain FNAC, to look into copyright and the creative
| industries. Alongside recommendations on ISP responsibility, the commission
| proposed extending copyright and this will be on the agenda when the French
| Government assumes the Presidency of the European Union in July this year.    


Is Sarko Uxorious?

,----[ Quote ]
| What this neglects to take into account is the fact that falling into the
| public domain is a gain for the public - and hence the actual moment when it
| becomes part of the "national pop heritage" - and that the gain vastly
| outweighs any minimal effect it has on ageing rockers' royalties.
| Unfortunately, with this action, as with others (including the "three strikes
| and you're out" approach to fighting filesharing), Sarkozy shows himself to
| be an old man - however young his new wife may be.      

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