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[News] Deserving Linux and Free Software

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What You Deserve

,----[ Quote ]
| Deserve.
| "Helios, I Deserve the right to use Linux and FOSS." "I Deserve to be able to 
| download and distribute this software. It's my RIGHT". 
| Ok...I can go with that. It IS your right.
| Now tell me just exactly what you've done to "Deserve" it?



Free As In Rider

,----[ Quote ]
| As if the announcements last week didn’t short enough neural circuits, it was
| also Symbian’s tenth anniversary, so the week ended with the whole staff of
| Symbian UK partying, as Prince never sang, like it was 1998. I really needed
| a weekend of recovery in order to be able to reflect with any clarity on the
| general response to the plan.
| [...]
| Whether ‘open’ really means open
| We gave a timetable which said the full platform would be available under a
| standard open source license (the EPL) within two years or so. A couple of
| things could have been much clearer about this.
| [...]
| Whether ‘free’ really means free
| Basically, yes it does. If there is a catch here it seems a minor one: that
| period where the code will only be available to Members, who need to pay
| US$1500 annual Membership dues. And free means we don’t even have any plans
| to fund the Foundation by putting adverts in the source code.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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