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[News] Firefox Brags Huge Download Pace, JBoss Apps Server 5.0 Around the Corner

  • Subject: [News] Firefox Brags Huge Download Pace, JBoss Apps Server 5.0 Around the Corner
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2008 22:14:25 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Hash: SHA1

Firefox 3 Averages 2 Million Downloads Per Day In The First Two Weeks

,----[ Quote ]
| Just about everyone, including the Mozilla developers, were amazed at the 
| success of the Firefox Download Day. Just on the release day, Firefox 3 got 
| over 8 million downloads. Perhaps more impressive, though, is the continued 
| stream of downloads even two weeks after the release.   


JBoss app server 5.0 emerges from hiding

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat is inching closer to delivery of the long-awaited JBoss Application 
| Server 5.0, but there's still no final release date. 



How Can We Harness the Firefox Effect?

,----[ Quote ]
| Three things are striking about the recent launch of Firefox 3. First, the
| unanimity about the quality of the code: practically everyone thinks it's
| better in practically every respect. Secondly, the way in which the
| mainstream media covered its launch: it was treated as a normal, important
| tech story – gone are the days of supercilious anecdotes about those wacky,
| sandal-wearing free software anoraks. And finally – and perhaps most
| importantly - the scale and intensity of participation by the millions of
| people who have downloaded the software in the last week.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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