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[News] Web Censorship Starts in Land of the Fee ("War on Paedophiles" as Excuse)

  • Subject: [News] Web Censorship Starts in Land of the Fee ("War on Paedophiles" as Excuse)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 08:45:28 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

Cable giants bullied into new child porn censorship deal

,----[ Quote ]
| The group will provide each cable company with a list of Web site addresses 
| that they believe contain child porn.  
| [...]
| It is unclear what, if any, notification cable customers will receive before 
| their Web sites are deleted, or what legal rights they will have to appeal 
| the classification of their content as illegal child pornography.  
| The memo of understanding states that the private group will provide cable 
| companies with a list of kiddie porn URLs, that "in NCMEC's good faith"  
| appears to meet the federal definition of child pornography. 


"...they /believe/ contain..." (so they can 'poison' sites they don't like in
order to take them down or take down based on 'suspicion', not evidence)

This is just a prelude to censorship of whatever the government does not like
(they'll extend scope over time). Here's another gem from the news:

Mom continues to chase Prince over 'fair use'

,----[ Quote ]
| Lenz, who resides in a rural Pennsylvania area, claims that her video is 
| protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the Fair Use 
| provision in copyright law. She fought the order, and eventually, Universal 
| Music abandoned any claim that she violated Prince's copyright. YouTube has 
| since reposted her clip.    
| Now Lenz is out to teach the music industry a lesson. 


The song was barely audible and played for like 20 seconds while a kid was
dancing. Maybe the Media Industry can classify the toddler video 'child porn'
as an excuse to take it down and shut down YouTube, too.

Think about the censors...children!

Like "War on Terrorism", it's all just an excuse and moral shield for new law,
introduced in a staged fashion.


Animal Rights Activists Forced to Hand Over Encryption Keys

,----[ Quote ]
| If you remember, this was sold to the public as essential for fighting 
| terrorism. It's already being misused. 



The war on photographers - you're all al Qaeda suspects now


Bavaria sanctions police spyware

,----[ Quote ]
| Bavaria has become the first German state to approve laws that allow police
| to plant spyware on the PCs of terror suspects.


Warning over phone calls database

,----[ Quote ]
| A central database holding details of everyone's phone calls and emails could
| be a "step too far for the British way of life", ministers have been warned.


US civil rights activists protest new wiretapping law

,----[ Quote ]
| The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed suit against the US
| government to protest the new Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
| recently passed by Congress. The civil rights organisation believes that the
| far-reaching authority granted by the Act, which has now been signed by
| George W. Bush, is unconstitutional.

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