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[News] Performance Comparisons: Ubuntu Doesn't Get Bloated

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Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS vs. 8.10 Alpha 2 Performance

,----[ Quote ]
| The test system we used for this article was a Lenovo ThinkPad T60 laptop 
| with an Intel Core Duo T2400 (1.83GHz) processor, 1GB of DDR2 RAM, 80GB SATA 
| HDD, and ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 128MB.  


"If the operating system is in fact a natural monopoly, then what could be
better than having an operating system that nobody owns?"

                                        --James Love


Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva Performance Compared

,----[ Quote ]
| Last week we released Phoronix Test Suite 1.0 and one of the article requests
| we received as a result was to do a side-by-side comparison between the
| popular desktop Linux distributions. Ask and you shall receive. Today we have
| up 28 test results from Ubuntu 8.04, Fedora 9, and Mandriva 2008.1.


Ubuntu 7.10 & Fedora 8 Performance Compared

,----[ Quote ]
| The bottom line is with our hardware we had used and these common Phoronix
| benchmarks, the performance of Fedora 8 and Ubuntu 7.10 was deadlocked. There
| was no clear winner. If you are trying to decide between taking the Ubuntu or
| Fedora route, you're best off looking at the distribution's features and what
| they mean to you.


Ubuntu 7.10 vs. Early Ubuntu 8.04 Benchmarks

,----[ Quote ]
| These benchmarks are very preliminary and only cover a select number of 
| tests, while in early 2008 we will be taking a more thorough look at the 
| performance of Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" in different environments. So far 
| the performance looks to be roughly the same between the 2.6.22-based Ubuntu 
| 7.10 and Ubuntu 8.04 Alpha 2. After the Alpha 2 release tomorrow, the next 
| Alpha release is planned for January 10.     


Fedora v. Ubuntu: A Performance Look

,----[ Quote ]
| In this article we have enclosed benchmarks from Fedora Core 6,
| Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft, Fedora 7 Test 2, and Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Herd
| 5. In gaming and desktop benchmarks, which of these Linux
| distributions is faster? We hope to answer that question today.


Ubuntu: 32-bit v. 64-bit Performance

,----[ Quote ]
| Looking over the results 64-bit Ubuntu was able to provide a strong
| advantage in the GCC benchmarks with both LAME and the Linux 2.6.19
| kernel compilation. However, a slight advantage had remained with
| both Unreal Tournament 2004 and the LAME encoding tests in a 32-bit
| environment. Outside of the i386 and x86_64 analysis, it is also
| worth noting that at this time there are no real speed increases
| between Edgy Eft and Feisty Fawn; however, this was only the first
| Alpha (Herd) release of many to come before the April 2007 release
| of Ubuntu 7.04.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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