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[News] Sun Shows Good Example By Trashing Trolls and Their Junk Patents

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Sun fights to invalidate the Firestar patent (they're almost there)

,----[ Quote ]
| It's not that Sun has better lawyers than Red Hat. It's that Sun has better 
| top management than Red Hat! The #1 Linux company gave the wrong message to 
| the community, going for petty deals and thinking "wow, we're great because 
| we did better than Novell!". Red Hat is a shame, period. They were simply 
| feeding the trolls — it's the same as when you simply pay the protection tax 
| to the Mafia instead of calling the police and trying to fight with the 
| evildoers.      


Patent: 6,264,560 - USPTO grants re-exam request

,----[ Quote ]
| The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office agreed to re-examine online-gaming 
| patent 6,264,560 after the Electronic Frontier Foundation challenged it on 
| the grounds that the technology covered by the patent had been used 
| extensively before it was issued.   



Intellectual Property Regime Stifles Science and Innovation, Nobel Laureates

,----[ Quote ]
| Patent monopolies are believed to drive innovation but they actually impede
| the pace of science and innovation, Stiglitz said. The current “patent
| thicket,” in which anyone who writes a successful software programme is sued
| for alleged patent infringement, highlights the current IP system’s failure
| to encourage innovation, he said.
| Another problem is that the social returns from innovation do not accord with
| the private returns associated with the patent system, Stiglitz said. The
| marginal benefit from innovation is that an idea may become available sooner
| than it might have. But the person who secures the patent on it wins a
| long-term monopoly, creating a gap between private and social returns.

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