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SLIME (some things never change)

SLIME 1. Spin, Lies, and Insults by Microsoft Employees.


More history.

   In most online haunts, supporters and users of niche products like
   OS/2, Mac, or whatever, are drowned out by jeering proponents of

Twelve years later, no change to the above.

   And spin he does. He is easily the most gifted liar the forum has
   seen. He is not a buffoon-like bozo like Arnold Krueger who puts out
   so much crap that it is laughable. No, Richard Shupak does it with
   style. He mixes truth, fact, and bullshit in amounts calculated to
   bring the most believability a spin-doctor can hope for. He uses
   inuendo like a scalpel. Almost always his goal is to deceive. 

DFS versus amicus_unscrupulous?

   You have to give Shupak credit for brass balls. His brazen lies about
   this issue reveal the arrogant swagger that accompany most of his
   disinformation. He genuinely seems to revel in his dishonesty the
   same way he loves to flaunt the disregard for forum policy. This
   arrogance runs rampant at Microsoft: from Gates down to the mailroom,
   they feel they are above the law.
   . . .

   Why does Shupak go to such bother over this point? Because the
   slowdown (yes, Win95 runs slower on a Pentium Pro than on a Pentium)
   is not just a black-eye for WinTel, it draws attention to the fact
   that Microsoft was lying about an "all new, all 32-bit" operating
   system from day one.

Ugh.  Vista is a recap.

   Clearly his intent, and Shupak's, who has happily joined in, is to
   intimidate me so that I won't write this story. Just as there was a
   tradition of stealth-PR work at Microsoft, attempts at intimidation
   of critics also has a place in their online history. USENET posters,
   for example, who posted messages from government accounts were
   threatened with dire consequences if they didn't stop being critical
   of MS. 

The above doesn't seem quite so true today (Funky's lapse of a couple of
years ago against Rex notwithstanding.)  There are some "ISP contact"
threats made.

   Online thugs, dimly lit cyberjerks who use the foulest imaginable
   language on anyone who disagrees with them, male or female, roam
   free. I recently reported the foul-mouthed William Beem to both CIS
   and the police for making threats. Other vermin contribute nothing
   but content-free ad hominem, including one pathetic munchkin who
   openly wishes me a horrible death. Me? I'm following Payne out the
   door. The stench on Canopus is more than I can bear.

Yeah, we may have 3 GHz 3 Gb (guffaw) computers these days, but we still
have jeering arrogant lying cursing gibbering spinning slanting
threatening Microsoft Munchkins.

Too bad guys like Joe Barr eventually "go away".  We need oldsters to
remember the bullshit that seems to fly right over the kids' heads.

I have accepted Provolone into my life!

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