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[News] Interview with KVM's CEO

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Hypervisor Visionary

,----[ Quote ]
| Benny Schnaider is a man who figures to have some influence in how 
| competition in the virtualization market plays out. Schnaider is the CEO and  
| co-founder of Sunnyvale, Ca.-based Qumranet Inc., which is the sponsor of the 
| Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) technology. KVM is an open source 
| alternative to the Xen hypervisor, which recently became an approved 
| component of the Linux kernel.    
| Endorsed by Red Hat Inc. and Canonical Ltd.'s Ubuntu -- as well as supported 
| in hardware by Intel Corp., Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and IBM Corp. -- KVM 
| handles both Linux and Windows guest operating systems without preference.   


Why is Microsoft's neighbourpress interviewing its direct rivals?


KVM backer takes virtual desktops on the road

,----[ Quote ]
| Qumranet, the well-moneyed entity behind KVM, is asking folks to help it test
| out some new desktop virtualization code that sends applications out from
| headquarters to remote offices.


Red Hat announces embedded Linux hypervisor

,----[ Quote ]
| The Embedded Linux Hypervisor is founded on the Kernel-Based Virtual Machine
| (KVM) project, which has been integrated into the Linux kernel since 2006.
| Red Hat has claimed KVM supports live migration of virtual machines from
| system to system in real-time and also has high availability features.


Ubuntu 8.04 KVM Benchmarks

,----[ Quote ]
| With these few single threaded tests, the results were very close between
| Ubuntu 8.04 and Ubuntu 8.04 running within a virtualized environment powered
| by KVM. In fact, to an end-user, the results between the two environments
| wouldn't even be noticeable.



Ubuntu picks KVM over Xen for virtualization

,----[ Quote ]
| KVM will be built into Ubuntu's next version, called Hardy Heron and due in
| April. "For the Hardy Heron release, we've really picked up the
| virtualization ball. Virtualization is making its way into data centers and
| onto developer workstations everywhere. Even 'regular' users are using it to
| run Ubuntu on Mac OS X all the time," Hansen said. "Virtualization has been
| on our agenda for a long time, but it became a top priority at UDS (Ubuntu
| Developer Summit) in November. We could see that demand for it was growing."      


The truth about KVM and Xen

,----[ Quote ]
| When the distros first shipped Xen, it was done mostly out of desperation.
| Virtualization was, and still is, the "hot" thing. Linux did not provide any
| native hypervisor capability. Most Linux developers didn't even really know
| that much about virtualization. Xen was a pretty easy to use purpose-built
| kernel that had a pretty good community. So we made the hasty decision to
| ship Xen instead of investing in making Linux a proper hypervisor.
| This decision has come back to haunt us now in the form of massive confusion.
| When people talk about Xen not being merged into Linux, I don't think they
| realize that Xen will never be merged into Linux. Xen will always be a
| separate, purpose-built kernel. There are patches to Linux that enable it to
| run well as a guest under Xen. These patches are likely to be merged in the
| future, but Xen will never been a part of the Linux kernel.
| [...]
| Looking at the rest of the industry, I'm surprised that other kernels haven't
| gone in the direction of Linux in terms of adding hypervisor support directly
| to the kernel.
| Why is Windows not good enough to act a hypervisor such that Microsoft had to
| write a new kernel from scratch (Hyper-V)?
| Why is Solaris not good enough to act as a hypervisor requiring Sun to ship
| Xen in xVM? Solaris is good enough to run enterprise workloads but not good
| enough to run a Windows VM? Really? Maybe :-)
| Forget about all of the "true hypervisor" FUD you may read. The real question
| to ask yourself is what is so wrong with these other kernels that they aren't
| capable of running virtual machines well and instead have to rely on a
| relatively young and untested microkernel to do their heavy lifting?


KVM and Xen cofounders engage in war of words

,----[ Quote ]
| Maybe, but Pratt was responding to his KVM’s competitors’ claims that Xen’s
| days are numbered because of KVM’s tight integration with the Linux kernel.

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