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[News] MugabeSoft Wanted to Assault a Project It Now Pays (to Ruin)

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Microsoft's 2002 Plan to Sue Apache 

,----[ Quote ]
| And then I got stuck with keeping the secret of Microsoft's plans to bring 
| suit against Open Source developers, for years. All of that time, I felt that 
| I was being disloyal to my own community. This finally came out after I was 
| long gone from HP.   
| Microsoft backed SCO's lawsuit after releasing this information to HP. 


Time for the EC to seriously consider that embargo. Microsoft cheats, bullies,
and steals.


HP memo forecasts MS patent attacks on free software

,----[ Quote ]
| The memo -- its full text is provided later in the story, along with HP's 
| response -- briefly explains a patent cross-licensing deal between HP and 
| Microsoft. By itself, that's not a big deal, especially since it was sent two 
| years ago. But the memo asserts that "Microsoft will soon be launching a 
| patent-based legal offensive against Linux and other free software projects." 
| Leaders in the open source community have been warning of such attacks for 
| some time. The memo reveals there may be very good reason for the worry.      


Another junk patent on abstract and obvious things:

Microsoft's Decade-old Patent On Tree-view Mode!

,----[ Quote ]
| Remember the Tree-View mode in many file management applications? It's 
| shocking to know that this omnipresent feature was patented by Microsoft back 
| in 1995 (granted in 1997). I'm not very sure about the implications, though. 
| The patent is so general that it can be related to many things from tree-mode 
| to virtual filesystems. Check out claim no. 3 of the patent for the most 
| clear part.     



Microsoft and Apache

,----[ Quote ]
| It all sounds good. But Apache is no threat to Microsoft, their projects run
| on Microsoft systems and their license doesn't prevent "embrace and enhance".
| Linux, GNU, OpenOffice, those are more of a threat. This is, obviously, a
| strategic move by Microsoft. I'm trying to convince myself that we
| didn't "get owned".



The Goldfarb Declaration - Updated: MS Statement

,----[ Quote ]
| According to the Declaration, Richard Emerson was not the only
| Microsoft employee Goldfarb was dealing with in connection with the
| BayStar investment in SCO. He mentions by name two others, from two
| other departments.


,----[ Quote ]
| "There you have it. At least a third of SCO's entire market
| capitalization, and their entire current cash reserves, is payoffs
| funnelled from Microsoft. Their 10Qs reveal that every other line of
| cash inflow is statistical noise by comparison. The brave new
| SCO source business model is now clear: sue your customers, shill
| for Microsoft, kite your stock, and pray you stay out of jail."

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