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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Embarrassed About Zune Flop?

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Zune absent from Microsoft exec's speech

,----[ Quote ]
| Zune? It appeared on one slide, but Bach never mentioned it.


"Microsoft should donate all their Zunes to the 3rd world or to those who
cannot afford an ipod."



The beginning of the end for the Microsoft Zune

,----[ Quote ]
| Some may even say this goes to the root of Microsoft’s heritage. How they
| came to achieve the operating system dominance and success by bullying
| smaller businesses or buying them out and marketing their product as their
| own.
| The way things are going, one can not help wonder if Microsoft have just run
| out of ideas on expanding their business and decided to jump on the “me-too”
| bandwagon.

http://tech.blorge.com/Structure%20/2008/05/25/the -beginning-to-the-end-for-the-microsoft-zune/

Zuneral this Saturday!

,----[ Quote ]
| We regret to report the sudden, unexpected death of Digital Rights
| Management. Details of the tragedy at present remain unclear, but he was
| rushed to the hospital following a direct collision with an oncoming future
| last week at 10 PM. He was seven years old.


GameStop to Stop Zune Sales

,----[ Quote ]
| Video-game retailer GameStopGME has decided to stop selling Microsoft's Zune
| players at its stores due to what it sees as insufficient demand from
| customers.


- From Vista to Zune: Why Microsoft Can’t Sell to Consumers

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft’s marketing of Windows Vista and the Zune have failed in large part
| due to the fact that Microsoft has not learned how to effectively sell
| consumer products. Consumers buy Windows and Office, but that’s because they
| have no choice, not because of the company’s marketing savvy. Microsoft only
| effectively markets its products to businesses, which represents a very
| different type of sales relationship.


Zune Sales Still In the Toilet

,----[ Quote ]
| Selling a million Zunes across nine months seems particularly conservative
| for a company with Microsoft’s clout, particularly when considering that it
| was selling against the iPod, which got snatched up 40 million times over
| that same period. When Microsoft announced having shipped 1.2 million units
| in early July, Windows Enthusiasts rejoiced that the goal was reached,
| apparently unaware that Microsoft’s definition of “shipping” means
| transferring product to a retailer’s warehouse.


Microsoft May Build a Copyright Cop Into Every Zune

,----[ Quote ]
| If you like to download the latest episodes of “Heroes” or other NBC shows
| from BitTorrent, maybe you shouldn’t buy a Microsoft Zune to watch them on.



Microsoft says Zune executive will leave company

,----[ Quote ]
| Bryan Lee, corporate vice president at Microsoft's entertainment
| and devices division, also played a key role in shaping the Xbox
| game console business and the introduction of its Internet
| Protocol television software.


Dancing Ballmer subjected to Zune dance therapy

,----[ Quote ]
| The japester appears to have used an internal Microsoft website to direct,
| well, just about anyone to this re-reinterpretation of Steve Ballmer’s
| infamous monkeyboy dance. Or is it a re-reinterpetation of Apple's iPod
| advertising campaign? In these mashed-up days, it's hard to tell.  


A Legitimate Reason to Hate the Zune (And Microsoft Too)

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's the situation: Microsoft has agreed to pay a portion of
| the profits from the sales of the Zune to a record company
| (Universal) because the Zune will undoubtedly be used to
| store unpurchased songs.
| [...]
| Here it is important to remember a few simple things. The
| money goes to the Universal, not to the artists.
| [...]
| Microsoft's move sets a bad precedent and turns all consumers into
| thieves without evidence.

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