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Re: Advice and Comments Wanted -- HP 2133 w/SLED

On 2008-07-23, Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> * Phil Da Lick! peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
>>>  <who cares?>
>> you guys needs professional help to cure your obsession with 
>> schestowitz. do you think about him when you're on the job?
> Sounds like it /is/ his job.


It's probably just a one page shell script.

This reminds me of a t-shirt from ThinkGeek...

     Negligence will never equal intent, no matter how you 
attempt to distort reality to do so. This is what separates         |||
the real butchers from average Joes (or Fritzes) caught up in      / | \
events not in their control.

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