On Jul 20, 8:53 am, thufir <hawat.thu...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Jul 2008 09:29:39 -0700, Darth Chaos wrote:
> > And yet "liberals" claim tyranny is exclusive to neocon Republicans. Of
> > course if these alleged Obama bloggers were government agents, then it
> > would be government censorship.
Liberals and Conservatives each have their own flavor of tyranny. If
you are a single mother who wants to really mess with you ex, Bill
Clinton or Hillery would send bounty hunters to bring them to jail,
but letting them think that they are hardened criminal who are armed
and dangerous, when your near-sighted accountant husband reaches for
his classes to see who just kicked in his door, the bounty hunter will
think he's going for a gun and shoot him. And because he is a bounty
hunter, he isn't even liable for the death. If your husband survives,
the judge will put him in jail until someone arranges the back child
support to be paid (even if it's only a total of 3 months), and before
he is released, he will have to sign something that gives the state to
take 1/2 his after-tax income, directly from his employer, so that he
can't spend the money. Furthermore, it will be 1/2 of whatever his
highest after tax income was since the divorce.
With the Left wing Liberals, women can turn hard-working highly
educated professionals into slaves.
With the Right Wing, they will outlaw abortion so that women who get
pregnant will give away their babies. They will increase the prison
sentences and impose mandatory minimums for even the most minor
crimes, to take dads out of the picture, and they will start wars so
that lots of women will end up pregnant with babies they can't
afford. They will also minimize the the enforcement of the borders,
so that illegal immigrants can be smuggled in to harvest the crops,
clean houses, and mow lawns during the harvest season, then have INS
go in a big enforcement binge in November to send them all back to the
border before they can get hitched to U.S. citizens or have a baby.
The Left Wing Liberals want to drain your wallet to pay for the
disabled people who destroyed their hearts and minds with cocaine,
heroine, and booze, and need "disability" until their 70 or 80 years
old. But they want to seize your 401K as "escrow" for child support.
And of course, they will grant big funding to "treatment centers" who
will tell people to quit their jobs, get divorced, and collect
disability. They will also grant funding to make social workers more
effective at tearing apart families by getting husbands to vent their
anger at their wives, and getting the wives to really focus on their
hate for their husbands. And between sessions, they will give them
antidepressants to lower their libido and make them more "cooperative"
at the next session.
And the Right Wing conservatives will renew their "Contract on
America", demanding even more control of our information, more
censorship control of the media and the Internet, and even more
latitude to turn over information collected to help prevent the next
terrorist attack over to federal and state prosecutors (Republican of
course) who can "investigate" liberal politicians and activists based
on this information, or at least leak embarrassing stories to the
Of course, most of us moderates want the government to "Stay out of my
pockets and stay out of my bedroom". More accurately, keep taxes and
spending reasonable for the essentials, and honor the constitutional
rights granted by the constitution and federal court judges over the
last 220 years (plus or minus a few).
> You're stating and then ignoring the key fact -- these individuals,
> presumably at least, didn't get the "ok" from Obama to do this. Being a
> lawyer, even if he had his own sorta "plumbers" type organization he'd at
> least not record his conversations :)
The campaigns on both sides are different than they have ever been
before. Anyone with a cell phone and a 2 Gb MicroSD can record about
2 hours of video and audio on their cell phone, and publish the
"interesting parts" on a public web site like YouTube. If you know
where to be and when to be there, or if you are just lucky, you will
hear somebody say something to someone that the candidate would rather
not have made public, and put it on the Internet. You might think
it's "cute" but the opposition will snip out the "cute" and air a 5
second "sound bite" that makes moderates who are trying to get people
to think responsibly - look like right or left wing "Fanatics" who
hate America, or who are racist pigs.
Both sides know that the key to winning in 2008 is to get the moderate
vote, the soccer moms, the white collar professionals and the blue
caller workers who just want to make sure that their kids have a
better life than they did, and that their 401K and social security
won't be gone 20 years before they are dead.
> With his civil rights background, Obama would probably be the first to
> champion saying whatever the hell you want. Actually, I don't really
> know much about Obama beyond those generalities. Again, though, it's not
> a small fact but rather key that they were *not* government agents.
The right wingers, especially Fox News, have figured out that the
Democrats had a huge registration drive for the primaries, and if all
of those voters turn out for the election, and aren't forced to wait
20 hours for their turn at the booth, that the Democrats will not only
carry the presidency, but also the House and Senate as well.
If they can paint Obama and his running mate as Left Wing Liberals by
taking a minister's dramatic slap-in-the-head wake-up-and-listen
preface (by saying something totally out of character) as the "true
feelings" of Obama and his campaign staff, then they will play that
sound byte 20 times per day and then after a week or two, replay it
again as a "remember when", and then trying to "add context" when he
doesn't put an oversized american flag in a prominent location on his
And the Far Left are doing everything they can to paint McCain as
"Bush III", another 8 years of the policies and poor decision making
that made George W the most unpopular president ever to hold the
office. And of course, if they can point to statements made by
friends, associates, or even "me too" supporters, they hope that they
can paint him as the worst of Dick Chaney and George Bush combined.
Of course, the full biographies and historical positions of both
candidates show that BOTH are hard-core moderates who have reached
across the isle and often stood in direct and open opposition to some
of their more extremist party leaders.
> Aren't conservatives in favor of a minimalistic government?
Both Right and Left wings want your money, and control of your lives,
but for different reasons.
The far Right wants to take your money and hand it to defense
contractors for weapons we can drop on some practically defenseless
country as "target practice" for $1 million a pop, to the tune of $3
billion/day in the name of "fighting terrorists". And they want to be
able to gain full access to all information generated by anyone who
would oppose these tactics as "terrorist sympathizers". Even if there
is no basis for the tap, the information can be leaked to the press,
sent to prosecutors, or just posted on some blog to stir up negative
sentiment. Find any powerful man do doesn't have something he doesn't
want made public and I'll show you the most dangerous man on earth.
The far Left want to take your money and hand it to single moms, drug
addicts, drunks, the kids who partied through high school and hurt
their back doing hard labor at 35, but still can't figure out how to
read and write. This is all in the name of the "War on Poverty". And
of course, they want to turn all the information over to the DEA,
DYFSS, and the IRS, so that they can stop the "perpetrators" who have
"created" all that poverty. Essentially, these are the 21st century
"Robin Hoods" who want to steal from the "Rich" (or even the Middle
class) until they are poor, and give to the "Poor" (or just those who
don't feel like working) until they can afford a house, a car, 3
square meals a day, and still make enough working "off the books" to
pay for drugs, booze, and cigarettes.
The moderates want to be able to work a little bit harder and get a
raise that will actually cover increases in inflation, taxes, gas
prices, and medical bills. They would like the insurance company that
they have been paying for 30 years to pay for the medical procedures
they need now that they are in their 50s and 60s and facing life-
threatening conditions. They would be willing to use something other
than fossil fuels, but they don't want to have to pay 8 times the
price because Left Wingers subject Nuclear plants to legal "paper
hanging" (80% of modern US nuclear plants is legal expenses and
lobbying, breeder reactors could produce electricity "too cheap to
meter"). They don't want to have to pay $5/gallon just because some
Right Winger decided that the regulations of the capital markets was
just "too burdensome", and that any bank should be encouraged to make
sub-prime loans that the borrower won't be able to afford, allowing
all of his creditors to charge 29% (or whatever the maximum legal rate
happens to be) as loan sharks based on his "default" on a loan he was
given in an 11th hour "bait and switch" after doing all the legal and
emotional stuff to buy the house.
Bush has even managed to take market fundamentals out of the stock
market. When good companies make real revenue growth targets, and
real profit targets, all it takes to knock them down is rumors that
some government agency "Might" be conducting some sort of
investigation. If that doesn't work, they can always knock the price
down by starting an investigation and then confirm that there is an
investigation but that they can't reveal any details.
And (back to COLA topic -- Finally) they have EVEN managed to hog-tie
Judge Kollar-Kotelly in her ability to regulate and enforce a true
remedy against a company and executives the presiding judge (Judge
Jackson) called a "bunch of self-confessed criminals" and even
admitted making the statement during the appeal (and pointing out that
he came to this conclusion only after he had heard all of the evidence
and had made his opinion public only after writing the final draft of
his final judgement and turning it over to his legal aids for the
clerical work (looking up exact case references, statutes, and
precedents indicated by the Judge in his prose)..
Meanhile, the Bush administration has ALSO attempted to interfere with
almost every major business deal involving any of Microsoft's still
surviving competitors.
Of course, Bush hasn't just helped Microsoft.
Other major George W accomplishments.
Give Halliburton $billions in "no bid" contracts.
Bankrupt Enron.
Drop all barriers to Verizon and Comcast mergers and consolidation.
Bankrupt Worldcom.
Protect Casinos on Indian Reservations in rural areas.
Blockade the opening of casinos closer to major cities.
Go on more vacations than any president since George Washington.
Sell time to political contributors for $25,000 per minute.
But Bill lied because Monica said "the underwear might have slipped".
And the right wing impeached him for that.
> -Thufir