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[News] Adobe Picks LGPLv3 for BlazeDS

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BlazeDS Overview

,----[ Quote ]
| Previously available only as part of Adobe LiveCycle® Data Services ES, Adobe 
| is contributing the proven BlazeDS Overviewtechnologies to the community 
| under the LGPL v3.   


When a company like Adobe says no to Tivoization and yes to GPL, that's
something. Who's next? Apple?

The recent news about Adobe and ODF is encouraging too.


Adobe Joins Linux Foundation But Forgets About Flash for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I would hope that Zemlin will encourage Adobe to now treat Linux as a first
| class citizen as opposed to an afterthought for release after Windows.
| I hope Zemlin will pressure Adobe to finally actually make Flash -- not just
| the player -- but Flash CS3 Professional, (the core Flash development tool)
| available for Linux as a fully commercially available and supported product.  
| It is somewhat ironic in my opinion that Adobe can join the Linux Foundation,
| claim to support Linux and yet not offer its flagship Flash development tool
| on Linux.    


Hey You, Standarize My Cloud

,----[ Quote ]
| Rather it will arrive because it’ll be the means of differentiation for late
| market entrants; those that want to play in the cloud with the likes of
| Amazon and Google, though at a fraction of the scale.
| [...]
| Perhaps the biggest question facing the potential standards players will be
| the balance between standardization and the speed of innovation. When we
| spoke with Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch about the opening of its SWF format, one of
| the questions we put to him was the potential for SWF to make the transition
| from open specification to formal standard. While not dismissing the
| possibility out of hand, his concern was that it might negatively impact
| Adobe’s ability to innovate within the specification. Standards need not be
| inimical to innovation, but neither are they designed to foster it.


Opera Web Standards Curriculum

,----[ Quote ]
| Opera, one of the major alternative Web browsers to Windows’ Internet
| Explorer, has opened the door to a new user market with the publication of
| its Opera Web Standards Curriculum. This curriculum is a complete course that
| teaches standards-based Web development, including HTML, CSS, design
| principles and background theory, and JavaScript basics. It already has
| support from many organizations (including Yahoo! and the Web Standards
| Project) and universities. The first 23 articles are currently available,
| with about 30 more to be published between now and late September. The Web
| Standards Curriculum is completely free to use, accessible, and assumes no
| previous knowledge.

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