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Re: [News] Microsoft/Novell's Risk with Moonlight Gargbage

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Hash: SHA1
> ____/ Jerry McBride on Saturday 31 May 2008 00:47 : \____
>> Homer wrote:
>>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>>> Mono, The Road To Hell: Final Proof
>>> Good timing.
>>> For the benefit of the naysayers ... I hate to say I told you so, but
>>> this is vindication of what I've been saying since day one.
>>> From Groklaw:
>>> [quote]
>>> Is this a covenant not to sue us if we receive Moonlight from Novell and
>>> Novell only (Novell and subs)?
>>> A: It only covers 'direct' recipients from Novell, not 'indirect', which
>>> would likely exclude those who receive it directly from anyone other
>>> than Novell unless that third party is an 'authorized reseller'.
>>> [/quote]
>>> http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20080528133529454
>>> Yes, finally this really is proof that Moonlight (and by implication
>>> Mono) is totally non-Free software.
>>> I wonder what de Icaza has to say for himself now?
>> He'll say only positive things... he is after all a Microsoft shill...
> I wouldn't go that far. He's simply being /used/ by Microsoft. He's just acting
> native, IMHO, because he is paid well (by Novell, which calls itself
> a "partner' of Microsoft, even in public).

Presuming that you meant naive, then I tend to think that you might be
right.  He seemed to be (finally) having second thoughts recently,
claiming that decisions at Novell were "over his head" or something like
that.  It could just be positioning, though.

> As a side note, about Mono, it's a fight that's crucial. And regarding 'rant
> mode', that's just something that's sort of reserved for this topic because of
> its nature. Mono is not a friend. It's a Trojan horse.
> Back in the early days I was just advocating FOSS, FOSS, FOSS. Microsoft
> bashing wasn't helpful. Microsoft's manipulation, however, became intriguing
> the more I explored it. It turned out (to me at least) that we were maybe
> addressing the wrong problems. I've swapped references with GL for a few years
> and saw it all the time.

I'm a cynical soul, and whilst I wouldn't condone any kind of bashing
"for the sake of it", I do not accept that highighting Microsoft's
attempts to bully the foss community, OEMs, judges, politicians, pretty
much anyone who happens to be "in the way" is in any way acceptable, or
that we should excuse it.

> Linux does have its flaws (every software has some), but it's never allowed to
> outgrow certain pains because there's this 'totalitarian regime' suppressing
> it at every level. Got a big contract in Nigeria? Bribe officials. OLPC
> gaining traction? Do the "Slog". Documents finally standardised? Replace
> ISO(TM). Linux laptops become fashionable? Dump, dump, dump. Bring back XP
> from the 2001 drawer if necessary. :-)
> Microsoft is the same vicious monopolist that it has always been. It could swap
> SCO-type allegations with .NET. It could even use trolls to do the
> {dirty job}(C). It has 'spinoffs'.

In the end, the truth will out, of course.  *Our* problem is to ensure
that the truth outs before we die of old age...

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