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[News] Free Software is Winning in Brazil, Amsterdam Also Explored Amid FOSS Migration

  • Subject: [News] Free Software is Winning in Brazil, Amsterdam Also Explored Amid FOSS Migration
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2008 15:03:12 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Hash: SHA1

How the Free Software Movement Is Winning the War in Brazil

,----[ Quote ]
| Brazil made an impression on the free software world during the past five 
| years of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's administration by promoting a 
| policy of migration to open source software for the government and 
| state-owned industry. Initial press coverage of this policy change away from 
| proprietary software was celebrated in many mainstream media outlets.    
| [...]
| There are now only two years left in the administration of President Lula. 
| Given the vast institutional shifts to free software that have occurred, it 
| is hard to imagine an economical way to rollback these projects - not only 
| the changes within state-owned IT firms but the many other projects that 
| Brazil has launched with free software: the massive Digital Inclusion 
| project, the educational Linux projects as well as the general use of open 
| source wikis, project management software, groupware, and so on.      


Linux in Amsterdam

,----[ Quote ]
| So what's up with Linux in Amsterdam? That's a front-burner question for me 
| right now because I'll be spending the next three days there, and would like 
| to pick up on a story or few while I'm there.  



Brazilian banks look to Linux for ATMs

,----[ Quote ]
| Brazilian banking giant Banco do Brasil this year is preparing to start a
| massive migration of one of the world’s biggest ATM fleets to the GNU/Linux
| operating system.


The brazilian Election Supreme Court migrates 430 thousand voting machines to
GNU / Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| The brazilian Election Supreme Court announced at April 4th 2008, that the
| 2008 elections at Brazil will use GNU / Linux electronic voting machines with
| software digital authentication.  
| The Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (the brazilian Election Supreme Court),
| officially announced on April 4th, 2008, that the brazilian 2008 elections
| will use 430 thousand electronic voting machines migrated from VirtuOS and
| Windows CE to GNU / Linux and open source softwares for security and auditing
| defined by proper law.    


Linux Voting Machines Save US$ 8 Millions in Brazil

,----[ Quote ]
| Brazilian Goverment will save US$ 8 Millions in election between 2008 and
| 2018. The economy is due to the use of Linux in the eletronic voting
| machines, made by Procomp-Diebold,  


Deploying KDE to 52 million young people

,----[ Quote ]
| By the end of this year 29,000 labs serving some 32,000,000 students will be
| fully deployed and in active use.
| By the end of next year (2009) those numbers will have swelled to 53,000 labs
| serving some 52,000,000 students.


Litrix 8.5 | Brazilian Desktop GNU/Linux Distribution for Home Users

,----[ Quote ]
| In my first ever experience with my most dreaded Gentoo based Linux
| distribution I am much more at ease and confident using Litrix 8.5 and I have
| no doubts to recommend it to everybody and especially to home users who would
| like to have a beautiful eye candy desktop Linux distribution along with the
| power of Gentoo.


Famelix and the dangers of combating Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| As with any GNU/Linux distribution, exact figures for use are hard to come by
| for Famelix. However, other users of the distribution include 62 military
| units, and schools and digital inclusion centers throughout South America. On
| its home site, the distribution has had more than 22 million downloads -- at
| least 14 million of them in the last 12 months, thanks mainly to the first
| releases to support German, English, and Italian in addition to the original
| Spanish and Portugese. By any standard, the distribution seems a success.


Litrix 8.5 final is Released

,----[ Quote ]
|     * DBUS service startup on boot
|     * HALD service startup on boot
|     * IVMAN service startup on boot
|     * CPUFREQUTIL added for power processor frequency manager


Litrix: Linux from Brazil to your desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| The live DVD may not be the best choice for a portable system, but it is a
| wonderful way to get a working Gentoo system installed without all the
| initial compiling.


Brazilian government lists preferred Open Source applications

,----[ Quote ]
| The Brazilian government wants its public administrations to check an Open
| Source reference guide before launching new IT projects.
| The "Instruction for Contracting IT Services" was published last week by the
| Secretary of Logistics and IT, part of the Ministry of Planning. The
| instruction is intended prevent equivalent software solutions from being
| developed several times.
| "The portal should be consulted by public managers before starting a new
| software development project, to check whether a comparable software solution
| already exists", an introduction on the web site explains. If a solution
| exists, the procurement can then be adapted to improve on that software
| project.



Litrix v7.4 Linux LiveCD

,----[ Quote ]
| Screenshots gallery...


Why Brazil Loves Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Brazil imported the anti-Microsoft stance common in American geeks, but on
| top of the usual arguments Microsoft is foreign. This adds fuel to the flame.
| To the Brazilian Microsoft hater, not only there is an “evil monopoly”, but
| its profits are repatriated and its jobs are elsewhere. Practices like the
| 3-program limitation on Vista Starter further erode good will (Brazilians
| call it the “castrated Windows” among other colorful names). Add a dash of
| anti-American sentiment and you’ve got some serious resistance. This fiery
| mood has a strong influence, from the teenager hanging out in #hackers on
| Brasnet to IT departments to the federal government. Even in a rational
| self-interest analysis, one might rightly point out that if free/open source
| software (FOSS) were to wipe out Windows, negative effects on Brazil’s
| economy are likely minimal. The wealth, jobs, and opportunity created by
| Microsoft aren’t in Brazil (productivity gains might be, but that’s a whole
| different argument). The trade offs of a potential Linux/Google take over are
| different when there’s no national off-the-shelf software industry, plus
| Google’s revenue model works beautifully in a developing country. This mix of
| ideological and rational arguments torpedoes Microsoft’s support.


Microsoft gouging Brazilians for 20 percent of income

,----[ Quote ]
| Ever wonder why Brazil and other BRIC countries are so hot on open source,
| including Linux? Gustavo Duarte gives several reasons, not the least of which
| is the punitive pricing that Microsoft inflicts on these developing markets.
| In the case of Brazil, Microsoft pillages businesses to the tune of 20.1
| percent and consumers at a 7.8 percent clip. Some people pay tithing to their
| church; Brazilians are asked to pay a tithe to Microsoft. Perhaps this is
| indicative of Microsoft's self-important belief?


Brazilian Enterprises Embrace Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux and related open-source software has gained an increasingly important
| role among large local corporations in Brazil, according to a recent study.
| The Instituto Sem Fronteiras, a Brazilan research firm, found that 73 percent
| of companies with more than a thousand employees are open source users.  


NL: Administrative Court publishes automatic document conversion tool

,----[ Quote ]
| The Dutch Council of State is willing to open source its application that can
| centrally convert documents between open formats and proprietary formats,
| said Marcel Pennock, the tool's developer, Wednesday at a conference on Open
| Document Format (ODF) in Utrecht.
| [...]
| The tools converts Microsoft documents to Open Document Format and the other
| way around. Documents can also be saved as Portable Document Format (pdf).
| The council's IT department is also considering a document management system
| that will be using the conversion tool. "We have not decided if that document
| system will be built as Open Source or not. For the past fifteen years we
| have been working with proprietary documents. Changing that is not done
| instantly."


NL: Use of Open Source software requires no European IT tenders

,----[ Quote ]
| European public administrations that want to use software that is offered for
| free, such as Open Source software, do not need to organise a call for
| tender.  
| [...]
| According to Wijnen-Meijer the translation is well-received. "At a recent
| Open Source conference in the US, copies were picked up quickly by companies.
| We also have had requests from cities and ministries in Germany and Greece."  


Interview with NOiV's Maarten Wijnen-Meijer on Study on Gov't Acquisition of OS
Software - Pick Your Brains

,----[ Quote ]
| A Dutch study has recently been translated and published in English, "The
| acquisition of (open-source) software", by Nederland Open in Verbinding
| (NOiV), which finds that in Europe, gratis software does not require
| tendering and so gratis Open Source software can be freely downloaded without
| having to go through the usual purchase process. If service is required, that
| service would, however, require going through the normal purchasing process,
| but as a separate matter.


Dutch "government ISV" adds ODF support

,----[ Quote ]
| Apparently the adoption of ODF by the City of Heerenveen and the City of
| Groningen had some impact on the decision.  


FOSS in Dutch government

,----[ Quote ]
| There will be an office where people can complain if they cannot communicate
| with the government using open standards. So non-compliance of government
| agencies will be measured.  


Dutch government threatens to sideline Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Proposed legislation that would mandate the use of the Open Document Format
| (ODF) across the entire Dutch government has infuriated Microsoft.
| [...]
| Microsoft Netherlands has engaged in fierce lobbying in an attempt to derail
| the plan. The company argues that the current definition is too narrow,
| specifically by mandating ODF rather than open standards in general  


Netherlands Picks ODF

,----[ Quote ]
| Frank Heemskerk, Minister of Economic Affairs, announced today that ODF will
| be the standard for reading, publishing and the exchange of information for
| all governmental organisations. The deadline is January 2009.  

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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