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Re: OS Market Shares

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____/ Rick on Sunday 01 June 2008 17:03 : \____

> On Sun, 01 Jun 2008 15:40:18 +0000, 7 wrote:
>> bbgruff wrote:
>>> Latest Net application figures:-
>>> http://marketshare.hitslink.com/report.aspx?qprid=9
>>> Over the past 10 months:-
>>> Windows:  From 93.28% to 91.13% of User base Mac:  From 5.99% to 7.83%
>>> of User base Linux:  From 0.46% to 0.68% of User base
>>> Hence, that puts Market Shares (meaning "% of new machines sold with" -
>>> and perhaps a bit conceptual re. LinuX) at about:-
>>> Windows:  81%
>>> Mac:  17%
>>> Linux: 1.7%
>>> For Mac to be so high (and for that matter, Linux so low), I can only
>>> think that the Net applications sampling is very biased towards U.S,
>>> sites - an observation which is borne out by their browser stats.
>> It is using out of date techniques.
>> Linux now sells 3 million embedded Linux gadgets PER DAY.
> Where do you get this number?
> (snip)

1 billion devices a year is a conservative lower bound (ARM has shipped over 10
billion chips), but it's hard to tell how many of them embed Linux. Whatever
the true proportion is, studies showed that the trend is moving from
simplistic proprietary O/Ses to something like Linux or other
real-time /proprietary/ O/Ses that Linux seems to be slaughtering.

This newsgroup is about Linux (and by extension, about Free software). It
needn't be just about that gear which sits on people's desk. It's just part of
the 'food chain'. How many people have desktops and how many have
(smart)phones in the world? Even Apple tried moving to servers (and failed to
a large degree) and now it's trying phones. Will it have sold 200,000,000
smart portable media player soon?

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Roughly 2% of your keyboard is O/S-specific
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