Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> * Rick peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> amicus_curious wrote:
>>> "Alexander Terekhov" <terekhov@xxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> The Jacobsen v. Katzer appeal contains an amicus brief from a consortium
>>> of OSS interests, for reference:
>>> Interestingly, the judge said no to their request to argue orally:
>>> The brief, though, seems to frame the decision as the death blow to OSS
>>> licenses in general on the issue of their being enforcable only on
>>> contractual terms, which is seen as impossibly difficult. Maybe the
>>> appellate court in northern California will put the GPL and others out
>>> of their misery soon.
>> Maybe someone will put you out of yours soon...
> These guys are pigs, pure and simple. They want everything to be owned.
> They want copyright only for commercial products, it seems.
> As far as their interpretation goes, it sounds to me like amiscum and
> Cherenkhov took "artistic license".
I wouldn't trust either of them to reliably read the introduction to
the beano, let alone a legal document.
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