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[News] Microsoft Launches "Get the Facts" Attack on Red Hat Linux Virtualisation

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft Launches "Get the Facts" Attack on Red Hat Linux Virtualisation
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 10:52:00 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft Produces New Perspective Over Windows vs. Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has never been that shy about trashing open source operating 
| systems in order to boost its own proprietary platforms, and the latest 
| perspective over the two products is merely a new chapter in the Windows vs. 
| Linux saga. A Microsoft authored comparison involving Windows Server 2008 
| Hyper-V and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Hypervisor is available for download 
| via the Redmond company's Windows Server Compare.      


Storage and network planning takeaways from Iowa virtualization user group

,----[ Quote ]
| With little time to reconfigure the servers (Clark was asked only a few days 
| prior to the meeting to give the presentation), Clark decided against 
| bringing his PC that he had used as his NFS server in favor of a Red Hat VM 
| running on his laptop, which served as the basis for his presentation. 
| Although both the ESX servers were able to see the Red Hat VM through a 
| little Linksys switch, the demonstration came to a standstill during the HA 
| portion.      


Seems like Xen and Citrix were really consumed by The Beast.

Marathon CTO Jerry Melnick: A Fault-Tolerant Approach to Virtualization

,----[ Quote ]
| Marathon Technologies CTO Jerry Melnick has helped bring attention to his 
| company's efforts to strengthen virtualized systems. With its new everRun VM 
| product, Marathon aims to enable "automation of all functions that completely 
| protects the virtualization environment," he said. "With everRun VM, there is 
| not a lot to do. Transparency is the key."    



Red Hat Takes Hypervisor Control Back From Citrix

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat announced two important moves this week; open sourcing of Red Hat
| Network Satellite, and their own virtualization hypervisor oVirt. Open
| sourcing RHN Satellite is fundamentally about showing the industry Red Hat is
| still the keeper of the open source flame but the real strategic move is the
| development of oVirt. oVirt is built upon Kernel Virtual Mode, or KVM, which
| is virtualization built right into the Linux operating system, and has been
| maturing over the past two years. Until now Red Hat's virtualization strategy
| has been built around open source Xen, much like other players such as Oracle
| and Sun Microsystems.
| When Citrix took over Xen, it created a sticky situation for vendors
| depending on the Xen open source software for their virtualization
| strategies.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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