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[News] Review of a High-end Dell Laptop with Linux Preinstalled; System76 President Speaks Also

  • Subject: [News] Review of a High-end Dell Laptop with Linux Preinstalled; System76 President Speaks Also
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 14:48:32 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Laptop Review: Dell XPS m1330n (Ubuntu Pre-Installed) 

,----[ Quote ]
| I like this system a lot I have to say, I've now got it set up so I can use 
| it at my desk connected to the sound system, large LCD, power and Logitech 
| wireless desktop. At the same time though it only takes a quick tweak of the 
| Nvidia display settings to switch back to the mobile screen and I can be off. 
| I did have to have a look around for some tips on doing this as I have my 
| external screen at 1440x900 and the onboard one at 1280x800.     


Talking Ubuntu Linux: Q&A with System76 President Carl Richell

,----[ Quote ]
| All About Ubuntu: What types of customers do you expect to purchase your 
| latest Ubuntu servers? 
| Richell: We are already providing servers to small businesses, schools, 
| governments, and enterprises. The broad utility of Ubuntu as an operating 
| system and the expanding capabilities of x86 hardware opens Ubuntu server 
| products to a large and diverse market.   



I got my Ubuntu pre-installed Dell E520N today!!

,----[ Quote ]
| The bottom line so far is that I'm very pleased with the value I g
| ot with this machine. My first evening of use has been very 
| satisfying. With the dual core processor and gig of RAM it's 
| very, very smooth and quick. Note that I purposefully didn't 
| do anything that required the command line. It's been a good experience. 


Ubuntu Linux on my Dell XPS M1210

,----[ Quote ]
| What I love most about Ubuntu on Dell is the lack of crappy 
| 3rd party software that is typically shipped with their 
| computers. When I bought Dell's in the past I'd basically
| strip the entire hard drive and do a fresh Windows install
| so I wouldn't have all those extra programs on my computer 
| which I'd never use. To tell you the truth Ubuntu already 
| comes with too much stuff for my tastes but it's really 
| easy to uninstall unwanted applications in this OS.
| Just remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it's likely available via 
| open-source.


Review of Dell XPS 410n with Ubuntu Feisty preinstalled

,----[ Quote ]
| I received my XPS with Ubuntu today. The first thing I will say is 
| that when the Fedex guy delivered it he asked if Dell was having some 
| kind of liquidation sale because he has delivered more Dells today 
| than ever before. He told me that he had already delivered five and 
| there were eleven more on the truck. (Just throwing that out there.)
| [...]
| I think Dell has done a good thing with this system. They obviously
| made an effort with resolution detection (which was going to be sore 
| no matter what) and did an excellent job of keeping those crapware
| leeches off the system. 


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