Linonut wrote:
> * [H]omer peremptorily fired off this memo:
>> So how useful is a Windows Eee PC exactly, if it can't do anything
>> except "boot the OS, without running any applications" (as Dell
>> might say)? It seems rather irrational and spiteful to me.
> Aren't you the one who was quoting Cringely on how the Vole will lose
> money for years just to make sure you don't make any?
Well my question was a rhetorical one ... a challenge to the shills to
admit the truth, assuming they're capable of such a thing.
>> Then again, the Vole has /still/ not addressed the issue that these
>> XP-lite® users will essentially be left with a lemon, once XP is
>> officially retired this summer. Maybe they're hoping no one will
>> notice.
>> I wonder what kind of person it takes to /buy/ a bloated; legacy;
>> proprietary operating system, to replace a free; efficient; modern
>> GNU/Linux distribution (that is fundamentally Free too), when that
>> replacement OS can't actually do anything once installed, other
>> than crash and become infected by viruses ... stupid; bigoted or
>> both?
> Scared consumers, for the most part. They know only "Microsoft".
Ah ... bigoted by brainwashing due to gullibility, then. IOW "both".
| 'When it comes to knowledge, "ownership" just doesn't make sense'
| ~ Cory Doctorow, The Guardian.
Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
13:11:49 up 80 days, 10:47, 5 users, load average: 4.61, 4.41, 4.51