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[News] Fraudster's Lawsuit Against OLPC Loses Some Ground

  • Subject: [News] Fraudster's Lawsuit Against OLPC Loses Some Ground
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:41:28 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
OLPC: Nigeria's Registrar Finds No Proof KONYIN Registration Was Extended

,----[ Quote ]
| I know. The dog ate it.
| It is also a matter of record that Oyegbola was convicted of bank fraud in 
| Boston in 1990 and served a year in prison. 
| OLPC Nigeria already told the court that the Extension of Design was invalid, 
| but the court ignored them. I don't think it will do so now. If there is no 
| valid extension, an injunction based upon it would be improper, obviously. 
| The court will have another opportunity to get it right, as this letter will 
| now be presented to the court. That's if it *wants* to get it right, which I 
| am not at all convinced it does.      


Antitrust against WIntel in Europe resumes today. Lots of briberies and illegal
practices to look into...


Local OEMs boycott Microsoft, Intel

,----[ Quote ]
| The local Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in the country may have 
| commenced boycotting of placing orders on the Operating System (OS) 
| dominantly supplied by the software giant, Microsoft Corporation and computer 
| processor manufacturer, Intel Corporation offices in the country.   


OLPC Tells Nigerian Court: We Don't Use LANCOR's Keyboard

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's what OLPC says was hidden from the court:
|     * LANCOR has no valid patent
|     * OLPC hasn't sold any XO laptops in Nigeria
|     * it's a non-profit
|     * the beta XO laptops tested in Nigeria were not for sale and were not 
|     given away 
|     * OLPC never signed a EULA
|     * OLPC never reverse engineered anything
|     * its keyboards that will be distributed use all public domain techniques 
|     and not LANCOR's Konyin keyboard 


,----[ Quote ]
| That [Linux] software effort does not have the support of Mr. Otellini, who
| is concerned about incurring Microsoft's wrath, the executive said.
| The two companies have a long history of tension over who controls
| the hardware and software direction of the "Wintel standard." Intel
| has said it is supporting both operating systems.


Nigerian Patent Infringement Lawsuit: Scam or Shame?

,----[ Quote ]
| After reading that story I went to look for the Nigerian Patent Office's 
| website, unfortunately according to the WIPO (World Intellectual Property 
| Organization) directory there's no such thing. Probing further I found that 
| the Nigerian Industrial Property Offices use a @yahoo.com e-mail address. 
| That was the point where I stopped my search for an online-version of Patent 
| # RD8489 even though I would really liked to take a look at it!     


[Mandriva CEO:] An open letter to Steve Ballmer

,----[ Quote ]
| Wow! I’m impressed, Steve! What have you done for these guys to change their
| mind like this? It’s pretty clear to me, and it will be clear to everyone.
| How do you call what you just did Steve, in the place where you live? In my
| place, they give it various names, I’m sure you know them.  
| Hey Steve, how do you feel looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning?
| Of course, I will keep fighting this one and the next one, and the next one.
| You have the money, the power, and maybe we have a different sense of ethics
| you and I, but I believe that hard work, good technology and ethics can win
| too.  


LANCOR's Adé Oyegbola Answers Groklaw's Questions About OLPC

,----[ Quote ]
| PJ: Thank you for responding. I think you misunderstand then one thing about 
| OLPC. OLPC is a recognized charity under the law. Selling a laptop for cost 
| does not make them commercial, Ade.  
| Many of my readers have been asking me, and I hope you do not feel insulted 
| if I ask on their behalf, but is there any connection or have you had any 
| contact with Microsoft or Intel?  


OLPC's Nigerian patent suit being waged by a man convicted of bank fraud

,----[ Quote ]
| The Boston Globe is reporting that LANCOR, the Nigerian-owned company that 
| has filed suit against the One Laptop Per Child project for patent 
| infringement, is actually helmed by a man convicted of bank fraud. He spent a 
| year in prison.    


Lessons from Africa: How to Kill Your Own FUD

,----[ Quote ]
| So, even as Microsoft claims superior quality over Linux, they act as if they 
| don't even buy their own FUD. If they really believed that Windows was 
| superior to Linux, they wouldn't have to bribe people with “marketing help” 
| to get them to choose Windows.   


,----[ Quote ]
| [PJ: I thought you might like to see the keyboard that LANCOR's thinks is 
| being infringed by the OLPC. Here's the page for the entire world. Ah! 
| Innovation. It certainly is an amazing technical advance to have 4 shift keys 
| so you can do accent marks. What genius could ever think of a keyboard that 
| can do an accent aigu? Genius, I say. Innovative genius. Nothing obvious 
| here. So you can certainly understand why LANCOR claims it must safeguard 
| with their lives the keyboard driver source code. For contrast, here is the 
| OLPC's Nigerian keyboard. So different I start to wonder if this was about  
| advertising a keyboard.]       
| [...]
| ...Dr Aja-Nwachuku said he was now assessing OLPC alongside other schemes 
| from Microsoft and Intel. 
| [If you don't want a laptop from OLPC, because you feel you need schools, 
| uniforms and chairs first -- not that any of that makes sense since the kids 
| can sit outside under a tree and study with OLPC or at home -- why would he 
| be considering the Classmate from Intel or a "scheme" from Microsoft? You 
| tell me.] -    


Lagos Analysis Corp. (LANCOR) Files Lawsuit Against Nicholas Negroponte and
OLPC Association for Patent Infringement. Negroponte's OLPC Accused of
Unauthorized Use of LANCOR's Multilingual Keyboard Technology Invention in XO

,----[ Quote ]
| Lagos Analysis Corporation, a United States-based Nigerian-owned company with 
| a subsidiary called LANCOR Management Limited, in Nigeria (LANCOR) announces 
| today that it has filed a patent infringement lawsuit in the Federal High 
| Court, Lagos Judicial Division holding at Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria against 
| Nicholas Negroponte, One Laptop Per Child Association (OLPC) and its enablers 
| in Nigeria.     


Intel: doing the dirty on OLPC

,----[ Quote ] 
| Intel’s agreement with the OLPC Foundation included a ‘non disparagement’ 
| clause, under which Intel and One Laptop promised not to criticize each 
| other, according to Nicholas Negroponte in the latest article in the Wall 
| Street Journal.   
| Still Intel tactics have violated that repeatedly to kill OLPC efforts in 
| Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan, India, China and Intel is also still trying to pull 
| those tactics in Mexico, Brazil.  
| This is simply disgracefull of Intel, scandalous.
| But Negroponte has signed an agreement saying that he is not allowed to 
| criticize Intel, so he is not allowed to talk about these shameless tactics 
| even though Intel is the one violating the agreement.  
| So only independant voices on the Internet can get those messages of truth 
| out about Intels tactics. 
| In Nigeria, Intel came and donated 3000 laptops to counter OLPC efforts, then 
| sells 17 thousand Classmates to Nigeria at a loss. 
| Then Microsoft corrupted Nigerian officials with 400 thousand dollars to 
| install Windows XP on those instead of Mandriva Linux. 


Poor Kids' Laptop Cranks Up

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates earlier this year told the Microsoft
| Government Leaders Forum, "Geez, get a decent computer where you can
| actually read the text and you?re not sitting there cranking the thing
| while you're trying to type" (see Bill Gates Mocks $100 Laptop).


One Laptop Per Child - Production Delays Caused By Microsoft, Intel?

,----[ Quote ]
| I sincerely hope that no matter what the people who are running the
| OLPC project decide, that their project will continue and not get
| bogged down in a play of corporate greed and ambitions.


Negroponte says Intel should be "ashamed of itself" 

,----[ Quote ]
| He is furious that Intel's CEO Craig Barrett called the One Laptop a
| gadget. The Negroponte initiative is caught in the middle of a vicious 
| fight between AMD and Intel, he said.


Not Such a Harsh Toke, Actually

,----[ Quote ]
| This is socially, economically, politically and otherwise innovative. It is 
| good for democracy too in some of the few remaining places that good thing is 
| having trouble getting hold. We regard that thing too lightly, I fear.  
| The Gates | Otellini axis directly hurts us deeply. To me, it is a 
| particularly American shame. 


EC says Intel influenced bids for computer projects

,----[ Quote ]
| The third type of allegation, however, was new, and sounded like a variety of 
| predatory pricing. “In the context of bids against AMD-based products for 
| strategic customers in the server segment of the market,” the commission 
| press release said, “Intel has offered CPUs on average below cost.”   


Negroponte says Intel should be "ashamed of itself" 

,----[ Quote ]
| He is furious that Intel's CEO Craig Barrett called the One Laptop a
| gadget. The Negroponte initiative is caught in the middle of a vicious 
| fight between AMD and Intel, he said.


AMD chief condemns Intel 'abuses'

,----[ Quote ]
| In 2005, after the Japan Fair Trade Commission found Intel guilty of 
| offering illegal rebates to Japanese PC makers, AMD filed an anti-trust 
| suit against its competitor in the U.S. District Court in Delaware. The 
| case has not been decided.


AMD: Intel Destroyed Evidence in Antitrust Case

,----[ Quote ]
| In an unpublished statement to the U.S. District Court of Delaware,
| AMD alleges Intel allowed the destruction of evidence in pending
| antitrust litigation.


Video: Henri Richard comes out swinging at Intel during AMD press conference

,----[ Quote ]
| [AMD's Henri Richard:] "I am sick and tired of being pushed around
| by a competitor that doesn't respect the rules of fair and open
| competition."


Investors sue Dell on payments from Intel: WSJ

,----[ Quote ]
| An investor lawsuit seeking class-action status accuses Dell Inc. of
| improper accounting in its relationship with chip giant Intel,
| according to a media report published Thursday evening.
| [...]
| The suit alleges that Dell received at times as much as $1 billion
| a year in "secret and likely illegal" kickbacks in the form of
| "e-Cap" or "exception to corporate average pricing" payments"
| from Intel to ensure that Dell used no other chip supplier,
| according to The Journal.


Lenovo got financial help from Intel, claim 

,----[ Quote ]
| Journalists on the title said Lenovo is being paid a "pretty
| penny" from Intel to use its chips.


,----[ Quote ]
| In 2005, a unit of Shenzhen Donjin countersued, saying Intel engaged
| in monopolistic practices.


Intel's anti-trust memos started vanishing from the top

,----[ Quote ]
| Chairman Craig Barrett, CEO Paul Otellini and sales chief Sean Maloney
| have appeared on a list of Intel employees thought to have deleted 
| e-mails possibly relevant to AMD's anti-trust lawsuit against its
| larger rival. The missing e-mails have thrust a livid state of mind
| onto AMD's lawyers who have very serious problems with Intel's
| rather lax document retention policy.
| [...]
| CEO Otellini appears to have been one of these troublesome employees.


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