Micoshaft Fraudster and Asstroturfer Moshe Goldfarb wrote on behalf of
Micoshaft Corporation:
> Apparently Roy Schestowtiz also has a giganews account that he trolls
> from. He slipped up yesterday and posted a couple of messages from that
> ISP.
> He is back on demon.net (Mark Kent's machine via SSH) today.
> 0wned!
Apparently you are now stalking Roy and Mark and engaged in net abuse
on behalf of big corporation.
This is how low micoshaft funded asstrotufers have fallen to.
These Micoshaft Fraudsters have nothing to say about
Linux advocy so they resort to stalking comp.os.linux.advocacy usenet
posters and net abuse as a means to promote micoshaft corporation.
What a stinker.
The authorities are as slow to react as usual to this kind of net abuse.
You should give up working for big corporations as a fraudster and
asstroturfer. Try Linux instead and relax!
Lots of linux here free...