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[News] Good Overviews of GNU/Linux Office Suites and GNOME Menu Bars

  • Subject: [News] Good Overviews of GNU/Linux Office Suites and GNOME Menu Bars
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 14:49:57 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Freelance
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
The Office Suite Dilemma on Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Let's face it, the office suite options on Ubuntu aren't as good as they 
| should be. (I'm going to talk mostly about word processing here.) 
| OpenOffice.org
| [...]
| Gnome Office
| [...]
| Koffice
| [...]
| Symphony
| [...]
| Google Apps


Another Look at Gnome Menu Bar Alternatives

,----[ Quote ]
| If I were to choose between the two, it would depend on my situation. Gimmie 
| could be useful to beginners who could be sedated by finding most of what 
| they need in the menu while GMM just works nice for basic (8-10) app users 
| that don’t need the frills and likes the speed.   



Office Suite Goes Online… (Your Online Alternatives To Microsoft Office)

,----[ Quote ]
| While Microsoft Office is still the market leader in the office productivity 
| arena, it is definitely not the best choice for users. As more and more 
| office suites are getting onto the Web, providing free access, usage and 
| features comparable (or even better) to Microsoft Office, it makes one wonder 
| whether it’s worth spending $500 to get the new version of Microsoft Office.    


Open Source Apps for Small Biz: Desktop to Backup

,----[ Quotr ]
| But critics say that 
| Office has become so bloated over the years that 80 percent of customers use 
| only 20 percent of its features.    
| Compare the standard package for Office 2007, which retails for $399, to 
| OpenOffice.org, an open-source office suite, which is free. The suite 
| includes a word processor, equation editor, visual database, presentation 
| authoring and drawing application.   


Switching Office Suites from Microsoft Office to OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| You have your own reasons: price, or principles, or you’re setting up a nice 
| cheap Linux laptop for your daughter to use at school. Here are a couple 
| things I like to talk about.  
| Spend your money on something important
| I realize that since I’m targeting this article at individuals, that the 
| upgrade or full price of Microsoft Office might not make or break you. But if 
| it’s you and your family; your small business; your volunteer organization 
| that feeds homeless families…now you even more seriously need to look at the 
| right way to spend your money. Microsoft Office is a habit, and many people 
| don’t even think about whether they need it. Here’s your opportunity to rank 
| it in comparison to other things you could spend $100 or $500 on, multiplied 
| by the number of licenses.       


Impressive Eye Candy: 3D OpenGL Transitions

,----[ Quote ]
| PowerPoint's old push-down transition has done its 15 years of service, and 
| it's time for it to retire. Do the sleepy faces in your meetings agree? 
| OpenOffice.org Impress 2.4 has the answer in the form ten 3D OpenGL-rendered 
| transitions:   
|     * Flipping tiles
|     * Outside turning cube
|     * Revolving circles
|     * Turning helix
|     * Inside turning cube
|     * Fall
|     * Turn around
|     * Iris
|     * Turn down
|     * Rochade


German penal institutions looking into OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| It looks like that OpenOffice.org is also being used in areas where many of 
| us don't expect it, or wouldn't research for. I have reports that some German 
| penal institutions are looking into OpenOffice.org for their daily office 
| work.   


Just a coincidence?

,----[ Quote ]
| According to Davide Dozza, Chairman of Associazione PLIO: "The numbers are 
| exactly the same. If it's just a coincidence, it's a very strange one. 
| Downloads of the Italian version of OpenOffice.org were 800.000 in 2006 and 
| 1.800.000 in 2007: the difference is exactly in the million of Italians 
| that - according to Microsoft - have downloaded the trial version of Office 
| 2007. We think that these users have decided to switch to OpenOffice.org as 
| soon as they have realized that the effort to get used to the new ribbon 
| interface is higher than the effort to migrate to the open source suite. In 
| 2007, the majority of information requests has been about the compatibility 
| with Windows Vista, and the trend stays unchanged in 2008".         


[German] Federal Employment Office switches to Linux


French police deal blow to Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| The French paramilitary police force said Wednesday it is ditching Microsoft 
| for the free Linux operating system, becoming one of the biggest 
| administrations in the world to make the break.  


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