[Response to the SJVN article (appended):]
Vista Is No Linux
,----[ Quote ]
| Most people don't need Windows or its software. So, you show these people
| Linux on a Live CD; show them Open Office; show them Thunderbird or Evolution
| Mail; show them Pidgin; show them the hundreds of other applications that are
| just as good as if not better than their Windows counterparts. Then, you look
| at them, and you say these magic words, “And it's free.”
| You wouldn't believe how many people switch.
The ease of sidux
,----[ Quote ]
| So, what if you need a program that isn’t already installed on sidux? No
| problem. Just open a terminal and type “apt-get install name of program”.
| No fancy program names that make you wonder what they mean. No more searching
| for downloaded files to figure out which one you want to install. If you
| want to install ksnapshot, a screen capture program, just type in “apt-get
| install ksnapshot” and it installs the program. If there is a program that
| isn’t included in sidux, such as the latest beta of Opera 9.5, all there is
| to do is to download the file and click on it when it is finished. That’s
| all there is to it.
Vista SP1: Still lagging behind the Linux desktop
,----[ Quote ]
| I've now been working with Vista SP1, the so-called RTM (release to
| manufacturing) version, for about two weeks. I am amazed at how little
| improvement I see in this so-called major update.
| Last year, I took a long, hard look at Vista versus desktop Linux, testing
| SimplyMEPIS 6, in a four-part series. In the months since then, we've learned
| that Microsoft lied about how much hardware was needed to run Vista in an
| affair that we're now calling Vistagate.
| Personally, I didn't need to see Microsoft/Intel e-mails to know that "Vista
| Capable" PC requirements were so much BS. I found that doubling Microsoft's
| minimum daily PC requirements would get you to the point of a bearable Vista
| experience. Not a good one, mind you, just one that wouldn't have you pulling
| out your hair.