ACID3 and Konqueror
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| As you can see, amongst stable versions (in bold), Konqueror beats them all.
| Hip, hip, hooray for Konqueror (KHTML) devs! And one hip and hooray for
| WebKit!
As usual, unsurprisingly, IE7 is still in its diapers.
Firefox 3 Beta 5 schedule
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| At today’s Firefox 3 / Gecko 1.9 meeting the development team decided that a
| fifth beta milestone would be required based on the number of blockers
| remaining. This additional beta will ensure that changes which may affect
| website compatibility and changes which affect the user experience will get
| exposure to a wider audience for feedback and regression testing.
Konqueror 4.0 brings some vast improvements.
,----[ Quote ]
| KDE 4.0 was released several days back, and thanks to the KDE Four Live CD, I
| was able to give it a try with very little effort. Having used it for about a
| day and a half now, I’d like to share some of my impressions of this new
| release of KDE.
Konqueror in KDE 4.0 RC2
,----[ Quote ]
| Konqueror has the distinction of being the default file manager as well as
| the default web browser of KDE 3.xx. It supports basic file management on
| local UNIX filesystems, from simple cut/copy and paste operations to advanced
| remote and local network file browsing. It has support for KIO slaves and has
| the KParts object through which it can embed components like media player,
| KWord etc. As a web browser it is HTML 4.01 compliant, supporting Java
| applets, JavaScript, CSS 1, CSS 2.1, as well as Netscape plugins (for
| example, Flash or RealVideo plugins).
| Konqueror is a also universal viewing application, capable of embedding
| read-only viewing components in itself to view documents without ever
| launching another application.